Jan. 8, 2024

A Heartfelt Plea for Spiritual Intervention in Politics

A Heartfelt Plea for Spiritual Intervention in Politics

Discover the transformative power of prayer for our nation's leaders and why it matters more than ever. 

"He has shown you, O Man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?" (Micah 6:8)


00:12 - Pray for Leaders, Turn to God

08:35 - Podcast Website, Newsletter, Social Media

Chaplain Terry Warner:

Hello friend Chaplain Terry Warner here. This will be season 4, episode number 2. It's a coming roar for 2024. It will publish on January the 8th, 2024. Again, the titles sometimes differ when I'm editing and stuff. If you look for season 4 episode 2, s4 E2, you will always find the right podcast. First, timothy 2, 1-4. I urge you first of all that request, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone, for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good and pleases God, our Savior, who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. Looking at our current government and elected leaders and unelected appointed officials a lot of our citizens I think we might have gotten off course a little bit in our country's desire to be a leading example for the world. There's no need or nothing to be gained by washing out our dirty laundry in front of everybody. So I'll not go into that. I'll not go into who's right or who's wrong or my opinion or anything else. I'm going to tell you what the Bible says. The Bible says that we are to pray for those in authority over us because they are appointed by God. Well, you want me to pray for the President when I don't agree with him? He's not my President. Yes, he is, and yes, I want you to pray for him. If nothing else, pray that he comes to understand and accept Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. Pray for him to do good and not to do evil. Pray for him to be aware that he's being fed a lot of misinformation and stuff and, regardless of what you think about him, pray for him that he comes and draws closer to Jesus Christ. This world's going to end Maybe pretty soon, maybe not, but this world's going to end. But we're going to live on eternally. You're either going to live eternally with Jesus Christ or you're eternally with your Father, the Devil. The choice is yours, but the choice has got to be made while you're still alive. Sorry, I digressed. Looking at our current government, our elected leaders and unelected appointed leaders, and a lot of our citizens, I think we have gotten off course in our country's desire to be a leading example for the world. There, that's a little clearer. Our first President, george Washington, on his inauguration, read Genesis 17, and in doing so declared this nation to be a Christian nation. Well, Chaplain Terry, Genesis 17 is talking about Abraham and Israel. Look at Galatians 3, 26,. My friend, you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. Then verse 28,. There is neither Jew or Greek slave, nor free male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. There's no Democrat, there's no Republican, there's no socialist, there's no communist. If you belong to Christ, you are Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise. I will admit that right now it does look pretty bleak for America. We are drowning in debt. Our schools and colleges are teaching and indoctrinating our younger generations and socialistic and communist agendas. That's hit the drowning in debt part. Our Congress is just spending money like crazy and it's going out of style. I mean, it won't be available tomorrow and it's a very good possibility. It won't be. It may crash the economy, but who's going to pay for it? It's not us, it's not you listening to this podcast, it's the grandchildren and the great grandchildren. This is a tremendous amount of money, more money than what's in the world or resources or what's in the world to back it up. We have got to curtail our spending and get things under control and start living within our means. We can feed the world, we can treat the world. We can help the world, but we have got to do it through love and compassion and Christian guidelines. You cannot do it physically or without God. Our morals and laws have been laid aside. We're putting stuff in stores now and locking them up in glass cases where they have to get them out Because people are stealing stuff so much. We've had several stores close because they were stealing stuff so much they couldn't control it. If they do catch them, they can't prosecute them because the justice system won't enforce the laws. Our education Boy, that's what we've been downgraded on education and colleges, and they indoctrinate students and everything else. And to say what all is wrong with this country? This country is not perfect, but by golly it's better than other countries. And yes, I know firsthand. I've been in other countries and I tell you what we are blessed. We are blessed beyond measure. But if we don't get back to our Christian morals and principles and laws and governing in a Christian and compassion and caring way, we're going to be overrun and we're going to have chaos evolve like we don't have already Our appeasement toward minority groups. Anytime somebody hollers, we have to go over and think we can fix it or make it or fix it for them, and in so doing so, we trample on the rights of other people. That's not right. We have quit worshiping God and started worshiping sports and movie stars. Because of our disregard and lack of fear and reverence toward God, we have lost our foundational footing for building a Christian nation. So what is next? Keep going down the same path and wind up like Sodom and Gomorrah, or do we arouse ourselves and start turning this nation back to God? We start by getting active as Christians and government, education and voting. Don't tell me that it won't matter if you don't vote. That's a lie to the devil. Of course it matters. That's one of the reasons we've got such terrible leaders in here now Is because we have not paid attention to the politicians and stuff running for office and we elected somebody that promised us everything and we're getting everything. But with that getting everything comes a lot of bad stuff we really didn't need. Next, we start praying for our leaders and elected officials. How much time are you spending praying for your leader? And do you pray for your leader or pray for our leaders and then turn around and badmouth them? You might as well not pray for them. You know you can't speak out of one side of your mouth and then try to behave like a Christian. It doesn't work that way. So I'm imploring you to get active, get involved. Let's start turning this nation back to God, because God is our only hope. So get involved in politics. Get involved in doing good for your community. Get involved in the education system. Get involved in helping people the poor If they need it and they're poor and they need help and need a helping hand. That's great. Be the one to help them out. If you have the ability to lend to someone that needs it, lend it to them. Scripture says if you lend to the poor, you lend to the Lord, and he shall surely repay. It's time we put the stops to this downhill runaway and turn this nation back to God. You have a blessed day in Jesus' name, amen. This has been Chaplain Terry Warner. My podcasts come out every Monday morning. When you go to my podcast website, there will be a drop-down menu for my website. If you choose to sign up for my monthly newsletter, you will be able to privately email me with your questions and comments. You will be lifted up in prayer every day. Your information will never be sold or given out to anyone else. Please like, share and follow me on social media also. Thank you so much for listening to my podcast. The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious unto you. The Lord live up his countess upon you and give you peace in Jesus' name, amen. Amen.