Aug. 12, 2024

A Nation at a Crossroads: Embracing Christian Values

A Nation at a Crossroads: Embracing Christian Values

What if the moral fabric of our society is unraveling right before our eyes? Join Chaplain Terry Warner as he boldly tackles the question, "Do You Know What God Is Doing?" in this eye-opening episode. With fervent urgency, Terry examines the spiritual and ethical decline in our nation, attributing the chaos and division to a collective departure from Judeo-Christian values. From the removal of prayer in public spaces to the blurring lines of gender identity in sports, Terry argues that we have lost our way and are suffering the consequences.

Chaplain Terry Warner doesn't hold back as he calls for a return to foundational principles and advocates for informed voting aligned with Christian ideals. He shares his personal insights, shedding light on the perilous path we are on by trying to navigate life devoid of God's guidance. Terry's candid reflections are a wake-up call for listeners to stand up for righteousness, protect our children, and reclaim the moral and ethical high ground that once defined our society. Tune in for a passionate plea for spiritual revival and a roadmap to restore harmony and sanity in our nation.

"He has shown you, O Man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?" (Micah 6:8)


00:00:25.657 --> 00:00:29.481
Hello, friend, chaplain Terry Warner, here this will be.

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Do you Know what God Is Doing?

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It will air on August the 12th, and it is Season 4, episode 33, s4e33.

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S4e 33.

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We as a nation seem to be confused about God's plan for our nation.

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We argue and disagree on God's plan for our nation.

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We divide ourselves into groups, give our opinion and then expect everyone else to fall in line and walk in agreement with us.

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It's just downright pathetic.

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God is for all nations and wants the world he created to be in harmony and live in peace.

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However, the devil, who is a fallen angel that persuaded one-third of the angels to depart with him, depart from heaven is the one responsible for causing all this discord.

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He's the one responsible for the sin and for Adam's fall.

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It's the devil, it's not a person.

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School for most areas is starting soon.

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In our rural community, we are considered conservative in our affairs and our religion.

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I just read an article and saw a picture where a female boxer was defeated by a male boxer and this defeat resulted in her losing her position and having to drop out of the Olympics.

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Where, oh where, has our common sense and sanity gone?

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We currently have highly appointed officials that cannot explain what a woman is, cannot differentiate between a man and a woman, so we let men who identify as a female beat out a female.

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That, my friend, in my opinion is what I would call a bully and in my opinion, also needs medical treatment and taught how to be a real man and not a make-believe man.

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Genesis 1.27 plainly states so God created man in his own image and the image of God, created he him male and female, created he them.

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I will not insult the reader's intelligence by explaining the difference.

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The point of discussion is to show the lunacy of legitimizing this kind of relationship.

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This is precisely what happens when you take prayer, god, morals and ethics out of our society, and to think a lot of Americans or anyone will get behind and back this position is abnormality and they need help.

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It is an abnormality and they need help.

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Our children are suffering from decadent reasoning and our silence is setting the conditions of a godless society that will soon crash and burn.

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I really do not want to stand before God as someone who has remained docile and quiet when God asked me why I didn't stand up for his children and why did I let them choose the path to hell.

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We're getting ready to vote soon.

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Some of us just finished voting primaries.

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The political idiots and betrayers are all set to maintain the status quo of lies and the raping of our country.

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The same goes for you, even when you live in a different country.

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We have the privilege to vote right now.

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Currently we do, and we need to quit arguing and fighting with each other and elect everyone who is a Christian that has good moral Judeo-Christian standards.

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We have tried doing everything without God and just take a survey of our present condition and you can see right quick where that's got us.

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We are in a world of hurt, we're in debt, we've lost our morals, we've lost our ethics, we've lost our kindness, we've lost our love, we've lost our helping our fellow man and we've gone to backbiting, fighting and and gossiping and tearing down stuff and getting rid of our history and trying to change our history.

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Instead of going to God and repenting and bringing this country back in as a godly nation like it was when it was founded, we have tried doing everything without God.

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We have tried doing everything without God and it just takes a survey of our present condition to know and understand that we are in a losing battle.

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Going down this road, make sure who you are voting for, it meets your values and meets ethics and meets moral standards, and let's take this country back in Jesus name.

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These, these are my remarks and my opinion.

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If you disagree, sure write me an email, terry, at thechaplinscornernet, I'll get it.

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Keep it civil, keep it nice.

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We can always agree to disagree, but I think, as just a alive human being and a creation of Almighty God, that we could surely come together better than what we're doing now.

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We will always have differences, we will always have the poor, but we don't need to always have rampant sin and sinners running the show and the operation of our country, your country or anything else.

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God loves you, he created you and he created this world out of love.

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Do not let the devil get any more foothold than what he's already done.

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The battle is not with people.

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The battle is not with persons.

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The battle is not with a group of people.

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The battle is with the devil.

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It's a spiritual battle.

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When we take care of the spirits and get our spirits in line with Jesus Christ and the Judeo-Christian values that we hold, then we will come to know real peace, real contentment and real life.

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You have a blessed day In Jesus' name amen.

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The Chaplain's Corner podcast come out every monday morning.

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When you go to the chaplain's corner website, the chaplain's cornernet, there will be a drop down menu from his website.

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If you would like to sign up for the chaplain's corner newsletter, be assured that your information will never be sold or given out.

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Also, please note that all monies donated will be used strictly for the ministry.

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Thank you so much for listening to Chaplain Terry's podcast.

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The Lord bless you and keep you.

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The Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious unto you.

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The Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace in jesus name, amen.

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Thank you.