Jan. 21, 2025

Come Alive 2025, Lesson 1

Come Alive 2025, Lesson 1

Come Alive In 25

January 1, 2025

Foundation Scriptures: Ephesians 2; Matthew 28:19

Lesson 1

     The Church, speaking in generalities, for the most part thought if they sent out Missionary Teams and got People saved, the infrastructure i.e., Businesses, Government, Educational, Arts, and Governmental agencies would follow suit. (Matthew 28:19)

What has happened? People got saved, but then were told to keep their Religion, but stay out of Politics and secular entities. For the most part, People were saved and then became pew occupants while the infrastructure of the Nation headed toward Paganism.  

     However, during my Prayer Time, the Lord Jesus has given me new orders and instruction on what to do. (1 Chronicles 12:32)

     Before we start shouting and giving orders to the Universe, we must understand our authority that we have under Jesus Christ.

     The 1st part of understanding our authority is realizing that this Earth has been given to us to rule and have Dominion over it. We also must realize that this authority and Dominion must be from a Man on this earth. (Genesis 1:26-31; Psalm 8:6; Psalm 115:16; Matthew 28:17-19)

     Man is made of three parts: Man is a Spirit; Man has a Soul made up of His Will, His Mind, and His Emotions, and Body which is His Earth Suit.  

     With His Spirit, Man contacts God. With his Soul Man contacts His intellect. With His Body Man contacts the physical world.

     When a Person accepts Christ as His Lord and Savior, the Spirit of the Man is re-created or Born Again. The Mind remains enmity against God and needs to be trained to obey God's Word as having the ability to bring the Man under subjection to God's laws. (Romans 12:2) Then the Mind and the Body can be trained to follow God's Path to living a Holy life.

     Teach Yourself, by reading and studying God's Word so that you will be able to bear much fruit for Christ. (John 15:7)

     This will lead you into teaching yourself how to take control and overcome circumstances that are hindering you from receiving God's best while You are on the Earth.

     So, let us review our part as responsible Christians in an irresponsible World that is fighting against us.

     First, accept Jesus Christ as Your Lord and Savior. (Romans 10:9-10)

     Second, start finding out "Who You really are by drawing closer to Jesus.

     Take responsibility that God has given you and become a shinning light in this Earth so others will come to Christ. By following God's laws and instructions, walking in Love and a Spirit of forgiveness, we will make 2025 the year that we "Came Alive" before Christ returns for us.

     Consider this as Lesson #1 and watch for Lesson #2 next week.

You Have A Blessed Day

Chaplain Terry Podcast will come out every Monday Morning and will expand this teaching more. Just sign up so you won't miss an Episode.

Let's Make 2025 the Year We Come Alive For Christ!

Chaplain Terry Warner