Nov. 29, 2021

The God Of All Comfort

“Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort; (4) Who comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God. (5) For as the sufferings of Christ abound in us, so our consolation also abounds by Christ.” 2 Corinthians 1:3-5


For the past several years, our society, morals, and ethnics have been mixed up and presenting a very confusing message. The old days of God, Country, and Patriotism has been discarded for a new “godless” social agenda.

Long held truths have been discarded and disposed of and our National Monuments are currently under attack as we try and change, and even erase our factual history. We are seeing the destructive attempt to rewrite and cancel everything this country has been founded and established on.

Even our founding documents state: “That we are a Christian Nation and our rights come from Almighty God.”

Consequently, we are thrown into a controversy that we did not want to participate in but cannot afford to ignore. It’s time to get active and make an effort to turn this erroneous agenda against us and fight back.

It is time we stood up and say, “Enough!” How do we do that? Let me speak to our Chaplains first. Our fear of God must return. And return quickly because our time on this earth is running out sooner than you think.

However, our first step must be repentance and a change of heart from us. Our fight is not against a person, but is against the principalities and powers and spiritual strongholds. If you are calling people names and wishing and praying for their demise, you are in the wrong. If you are not praying for our leaders, you are in the wrong. (1 Timothy 2:1-2, Jeremiah 29:7)

We cannot afford to fight the wrong enemy. So, what should I pray?

Pray for our President and Vice President to see the error of their ways and repent and give their hearts to God. Then the Holy Spirit can lead and direct their steps. Otherwise, they are incapable of following God’s instructions.

Pray and write our Congressman and Senators and remind them that our God given rights and privileges are the results of the Blessings and the Love of God that were bestowed upon us.

Also, develop a “Spirit of Gratitude and Love” toward others. We, especially as Chaplains, should show a “Spirit of Compassion” toward our Veterans. In other words, lead by example.

Keep visiting The Chaplain’s Corner web page for articles and guidance to help you be an active and a caring Chaplain.  

If you are not a Chaplain, your prayers for our Chaplains would be greatly appreciated. At least, pray for our leaders and pray to have their hearts changed so we can start turning back some of this wickedness and sin.

Remember, it is not the person or individual causing all of this, it is a spirit of anti-Christianity and the battle must be fought on a spiritual basis.

God Bless You All,

Terry Warner, Chaplain

Dept. of Kansas