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Hello friend Chaplain Terry Warner here.
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Hello friend, chaplain Terry Warner, here.
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This will be.
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Let the Word of God Fight for you.
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It's Season 5, episode 5, s5e5.
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It will air on February 3, 2025.
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Your foundation scriptures are 2 Corinthians 10, verse 4 and John 10, verse 10.
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For though we walk in the flesh, in other words our senses seeing, hearing, tasting, feeling and smell we do not war or fight after the flesh, our five senses.
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We just mentioned 2 Corinthians 10.3.
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I'm reading out of what I've written down, the brackets are mine 88% of all resolutions fall by the end of January.
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Well, a lack of realistic goals and a lack of planning probably would be the top of the list.
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If you started this year to lose weight, stop smoking, quit cursing, you can achieve not only this goal but several others at the same time.
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You probably have overlooked a major requirement to meet your goal, first you are a spirit.
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To meet your goal, first you are a spirit.
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God created your spirit when you were created or made in secret, so to speak Conception, that's a better way to put it.
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And God brought life to your spirit when he created the world, by breathing the breath of life, or his word, into you.
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But living on this earth, we are unable to see the spirit man with our earth eyes.
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Second, our spirit has a soul that is made up of our mind, our will and our emotions.
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Like our spirit man, we are unable to see our soul through our earth eyes.
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And, last of all, our spirit and soul lives inside a body.
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You know, we were created by the seed of man into the womb of a woman and were born into this world and then everything in this.
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Once we came alive in this world, we were trained to do things.
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And the longer you've been trained to do something and the longer you do it after you've been trained to do something, and the longer you do it after you've been trained, the more likely, the harder it's going to be to control or readjust to do things.
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That's why, if you've been doing something for 20 years and you decide to stop it and you set a goal, a New Year's resolution, to set stop it, it's going to take some determination and insight and studying and paying attention to it.
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That's one of the hardest things about dieting You're going to lose weight.
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It takes a lot of effort to figure out what you can eat, what you can't eat, when for 20 years you've been eating everything you wanted to eat.
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If you put the kind of junk in your body that you put in your car, would your car continue to run?
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Well, your body is a lot more important than your car, and I digress.
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Anyway, you are a spirit.
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God created your spirit in his image and likeness.
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Your spirit is created in God's image, image and likeness, not your physical body.
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When you were born again, god recreated your spirit totally from scratch.
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You never existed before and you became a new person.
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That's why it's so easy once you and I, why it is easier to get something done once you are born again and put your rules and regulations and desires under the Bible, under Christ, under the Holy Spirit.
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He created the world by breathing the breath of life or his word into you.
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But living on this earth, you're unable to see the spirit.
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Man, the spirit of man communicates with God.
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The soul of the man communicates with the middle realm, your mind, your will, your emotions, your feelings.
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Finally, the body communicates with the flesh, our senses, and gives us the ability to communicate with others.
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When we go into outer space we have to wear a space suit.
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That's our body for space, but when we're on this earth we have to wear a body.
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Now the devil is on this earth illegally and he doesn't have a body.
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And so if he starts giving you trouble, stand up to him, ask him for his birth certificate.
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He doesn't have one.
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He borrowed the body of the snake to tempt Eve and got her to eat the fruit, started this whole mess.
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Technically I won't get into it now, but technically Adam was the first one to sin.
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You can write and tell me why if you get it figured out.
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But anyway, we are spirit, soul and body and we are tightly interwoven and overlapping and it's difficult for man to figure out who or what part is in control.
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Sometimes you don't know, sometimes you just flat don't know.
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Even if you are born again Christian, your soul is saved, but without being trained in the word of God, you will likely fall or fail your New Year's resolution because you will try and lose weight, quit smoking and stop cursing by trying to control your body through physical actions.
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It's not your body.
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Your body's been trained.
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That's going to be hard to break.
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It's going to take something on a higher level than your body.
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It's going to take your spirit, or God's spirit working through your spirit, to turn your flesh and control your flesh around.
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That's why you start by renewing your mind with the Word of God.
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Find out what God says about your situation and do that.
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Find out what God says about your situation and do that.
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Find out what God says about your situation and say that, well, smarty pants, what do I need to do to reach my goal?
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Huh, this solution is so simple and yet difficult to carry through.
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Our soul and our senses have been trained for so long by our sense, our sense, way and our mind, will.
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Emotions and body have not resorted to being sinless, have not restored to being sinless.
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We don't know how to live and walk a sin-free life.
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Romans 8, 7, and 9.
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So how do I correct this situation?
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Let me see what Romans 8, 7 and 9.
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So how do I correct this situation?
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Let me see what Romans 8, 7 and 9 says.
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Hang on just a minute.
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Okay, I'm going to start in Romans 8.
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I'm going to start in verse 6, and this is amplified Now.
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The mind of the flesh, which is sense and reason, without the Holy Spirit, is death, death that compromises all the miseries arising from sin, both here and hereafter.
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But the mind of the Holy Spirit is life and soul, peace, both now and forever.
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Verse 7.
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That is because the mind of the flesh, with its carnal thoughts and purposes, is hostile to God, for it does not submit itself to God's law.
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Indeed, it cannot.
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So, then, those who are living the life of the flesh, catering to the appeasement, appetites and impulses of their carnal nature, cannot please or satisfy God or be acceptable to Him Verse 9.
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For you are not living the life of the flesh, you are living the life of the Spirit.
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If the Holy Spirit of God really dwells within you, directs and controls you, but if anyone does not possess the Holy Spirit of Christ, he is none of his, he does not belong to Christ, is not truly a child of God.
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Romans 8, 14.
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So you see that the spirit man is the one calling the shots, so to speak.
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Now we've trained our flesh to do what we want it to do Everything from potty training to tying your shoes, to buttoning your shirt, to tying your ties the way you walk, your gestures.
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That's all been trained, and so you get ready to stop smoking, you get ready to stop cursing, you get ready to lose weight, and you've got 20, 30, 40 years of just being trained in this.
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It's difficult to do, it's not impossible, but it requires a big effort and requires the help of the Holy Spirit if you want to do it and be healed.
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And I said healed because I'm going to switch over just a little bit.
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Let's say you've had a sickness for years and years and years and years.
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That man at the pool of Bethsaida has been laying there 38 years and he had to overcome quite a bit to get enough faith and courage to step up and walk.
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But after 38 years he said you know, I don't have to be here, I have control of my spirit.
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Man, and now I have the son of God here talking to me.
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He didn't know it was the son of God at the time, but I sensed I can be healed.
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And what did he do?
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He got up.
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He made something.
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He done something he had not been able to do for 38 years.
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He stood up and when he did the rest of the healing, came on in.
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And what'd they jump on?
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Jesus for Heal him on the Sabbath, and the man for carrying his mat.
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Religion will get you into trouble.
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It will not heal you and save you.
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That's Christianity A lot of people have been turned off by religion, thinking it was Christianity when it wasn't.
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Christianity is a way of life.
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Religion is a way of belief.
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All right, we've been doing all these right things.
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Well, let me back up.
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If your goal is being thwarted, then look.
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The devil comes only to kill, steal and destroy.
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If it kills, if it steals, if it destroys, it's the devil.
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Well, god's going to get some glory out of this sickness.
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God can't get glory out of your sickness or your infirmity.
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He can't get any.
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He doesn't have any sickness or infirmity to give you where he can get any kind of glory out of.
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And just because he didn't approve it, he didn't condone it.
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You did, but God didn't do it.
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God gave you power and authority to overcome the devil.
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And how did you do that?
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By the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony.
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And they overcame him, the devil, by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony.
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And they loved not their lives unto death.
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You tired of being sick, you tired of being infirm, you tired of laying on a sick bed, you tired of being overweight.
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You tired of smoking, you tired of cursing.
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Make a quality decision, write it down on paper.
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Look at yourself in the mirror every day and say I have been delivered by the power of God.
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Jesus Christ has healed me and made me whole and I'll not do this anymore.
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And let that word start building in you and building in you, and building in you and building in you.
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Look in that mirror when you confess that stuff you can't confess I'm sick, I'm broke, I'm tired, I'm wore out.
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I need your hand, I need this, I need that.
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You can't look in the mirror and do that truthfully.
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If you're a Christian, you can look in the mirror and say let the weak say I am strong.
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Let the poor say I am weak.
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Wealth and riches are in my house.
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Everything I set my hand to do prospers.
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I can live and walk in divine health and prosperity.
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I am more than a conqueror through Jesus Christ.
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I can do all things through Jesus Christ, who gives me strength.
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You got the idea there, I think.
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Put them on a mirror, put them on three by five cards.
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Scotch tape them to the mirror in the bathroom.
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Put them on your refrigerator door.
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Let the word of God get in there and do your fighting for you.
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Jesus Christ came to destroy the works of the devil.
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Get in line with Jesus Christ, work with Jesus Christ, work with the Holy Spirit, work with God, the Father, and you do that by reading and studying and staying in His Word.
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Quit watching Gunsmoke and all these other sitcoms on TV and all these commercials that are so just blatantly anti-Christianity.
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Well, that's not too bad a movie, mabel.
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There's only four or five cuss words in it.
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There's only two or three God this or God that in it, you know, and there's only one or two scenes of nudity, you know, and it's real minor.
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It's just not that bad For our era and our time.
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It's not that bad.
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I tell you what friend.
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Come over to the house and let me fix you some brownies.
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You like brownies, but let me put just a little touch of dog poop in them.
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Would you eat them?
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Well, it's just a little bit.
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It's not going to hurt you.
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You never taste it.
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You would never know it.
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You'd never know it.
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I'm taking it.
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You're getting the idea.
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Sin is sin and it's a detriment to you.
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It's a hurt to you, it's death to you.
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You don't want to get in on that.
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Defeating a fallen angel in the flesh will not work.
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That's the devil.
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He's a fallen angel.
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He doesn't have a body.
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The devil has no authority on this earth because he doesn't have a body in which to speak and order things about.
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You do when the devil comes around, don't tolerate him, make him get out, but you do Start speaking what Jesus said, and in doing so, jesus will drive and annihilate his presence from your life.
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In other words, let Jesus or God's word fight your battles.
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You get the idea?
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I hope so.
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You have a blessed day In Jesus' name, amen if you would like to sign up for the chaplain's corner newsletter, be assured that your information will never be sold or given out.
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Also, please note that all monies donated will be used strictly for the ministry.
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Thank you so much for listening to chaplain terry's podcast.
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The lord bless you and keep you.
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The Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious unto you.
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The Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace in Jesus name, amen, thank you.