Oct. 14, 2024

Flying Blind: Navigating Life's Storms with Faith and Focus

Flying Blind: Navigating Life's Storms with Faith and Focus

Picture yourself high above the Kansas plains, where the clouds hang low and visibility is near zero. That's the intense scenario I found myself navigating during a critical check ride for my instrument rating. Join me, Chaplain Terry Warner, as I recount this heart-pounding experience in "Flying Blind," where I was put to the ultimate test amidst challenging weather conditions. This isn't just about piloting a plane—it's a powerful metaphor for life's unpredictable journey. Discover how maintaining focus on the instruments, or in life's case, faith and scripture, can steer us through moments of spiritual disorientation and guide us back to a path of resilience and perseverance.

But that's not all; there's a more personal side to our journey. I’m eager to create a podcasting experience that feels like a genuine one-on-one conversation with you. Your feedback and suggestions are invaluable, and I invite you to share them, secure in the knowledge that your privacy is paramount. Whether you're seeking a space for prayer requests or simply updates on the Chaplain's Corner, every interaction is handled with care and respect. Join our community, where your support fuels our ministry, and feel the warmth of a shared blessing and gratitude for being part of our story.

"He has shown you, O Man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?" (Micah 6:8)


00:25 - Flying Blind

09:15 - Podcast Feedback and Prayer Requests


00:00:25.437 --> 00:00:27.518
Hello, friend Chaplain Terry Warner here.

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The title of this podcast is Flying Blind.

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It's Season 4, episode 42.

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I had received my pilot's license and certified as a pilot and was doing a check ride on my instrument rating, getting my instrument rating, and I left Hayes there with an instructor and we flew down to Garden City, kansas, and Garden City, kansas.

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I had my personal minimums when I could not see where I was going.

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I was flying in the clouds.

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I had my personal minimums at 500 feet and I think it was a thousand feet and three miles.

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This has been some years ago.

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And we got down to Garden City and of course, I had my instructor and I have a 300 foot ceiling and a one mile visibility.

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That's below my minimums.

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Well, we got out, we talked to the approach and we talked to the tire and got our vectors and everything and everything's moving along pretty good and I just got stabilized on final approach and we can't see.

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I mean, looking out, the windows is pea soup.

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It looks just like a gray, grayed out area all the way around.

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You can't see anything.

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If you do see the ground by chance you break out of a cloud or something the last thing you want to do is look down at the ground or look outside the window and get your eyes off the instruments, because when you do you you'll find you got off course very fast and for coming in for a landing you sort of need to be in the center of the runway.

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I mean, it is everybody's a lot happier if you land on the on the pavement, if you get my drift.

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So anyway, we come on and I stabilize on final approach and I'm about maybe two miles out final approach, looking at my glide slope.

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This is back in the steam gauge day and I'm following the flight path and so I start fooling with the GPS and the instruments and flipping my charts over and the instructor says what are you doing?

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Instruments and flipping my charts over and the instructor says what are you doing?

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I said I'm preparing for a go-around because 300 foot ceiling and a 500 uh, 300 foot ceiling and a mile and a half two mile visibility is below my minimums.

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He said yes, but it's not below the airport's minimum.

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We're going to land this plane.

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Forget that.

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You got no wind, you got no problems.

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You're stabilized on the approach.

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Fly the airplane first and foremost.

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When you get distracted in life, you need to fly the Bible, get back in the Word and get back on course and get back on track.

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And when you mess up, repent and get back.

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That's what we do in the word, and get back on course and get back on track.

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And when you mess up, repent and get back.

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That's what we do in the airplane aviate, navigate, communicate.

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So the first thing I do is get that ils line back up and the next thing I do is I make sure my other instruments and heading landing on the right runway, I'm not landing on the wrong runway, landing going the wrong way or something.

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I took off one time in Hays and flew to Salina.

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When I took off in Hays, I took off from the north.

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So when I got ready to land in Salina, I was going to land from the north and I was on the wrong end of the runway.

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That was embarrassing and a controller jumped all over me, made me fly around the airport down there and come in the right way and use the right runway.

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Well, I mean, that's the only thing you really can do, and I made a point after that.

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Just because the wind changes, I've got to be aware of that and I should have been aware of that and I wasn't.

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I got relaxed, lackadaisical.

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I've got to be aware of that and I should have been aware of that and I wasn't.

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I got relaxed like a daisy, I guess.

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Anyway, so I'm on final.

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So then, at one mile final, I contact the tower, approach, hands me off to the tower.

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I contact the tower and tell them I'm stabilized on the ILS and inbound to land full stop.

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And he gives me the weather conditions, the barometer and everything going on.

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We come on down, come on down.

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We're still seeing pea soup, pea soup.

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Well then I started seeing little open pockets of ground and I looked up and my instructor said get your eyes back on that panel.

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I'll let you know when you can look up.

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So we're right on down there.

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I got back on the panel and got stabilized again, wasn't off too much, and pretty soon.

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He says now you can look up.

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And I looked up and I'm looking right at the runway.

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I mean like, cut the power and flare right now and landed the plane and he said see there, you could have taken that with zero visibility.

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Landed the plane and said see there, you could have taken that with zero visibility.

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I thought, yeah, sure, no way.

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Anyway, I landed and collected myself, closed out my flight plan and I got it established that time and uh.

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Next podcast.

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I'm going to tell you a little bit about what happens when it doesn't work that way and and you get interrupted and you get off your flight plan.

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You really get off your flight plan.

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Then you get disoriented and you have vertigo and all kinds of obstacles come in as you grow in your Christian walk.

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The devil is going to keep upping his attacks on you and they're going to get stronger and stronger and stronger.

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You have got to be able to hold it and withstand it and land the plane, no matter what the devil is trying to do to you or the weather is trying to do to you.

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You are in control and you'll land the plane.

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You have a blessed day In Jesus' name, amen.

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Sooner or later I'm going to leave you with one more thought.

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Sooner or later you're going to have to fly the airplane in your life.

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You're not going to be content to walk on the ground or not fly at all.

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A life with Jesus Christ in your heart will take you to new heights, new adventures, new everything.

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The old things are passed away.

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Behold, all things have become new and all things are of God.

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Start bringing Jesus along with you in everything you do and let him get you to higher altitudes of life that you've never seen before.

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You have a blessed day, as I said in Jesus' name, amen.

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I hope you're enjoying our podcast.

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We also write an article for the newspaper and I've been publishing articles and teaching tapes to India, pakistan, bangladesh, south Africa, slovakia and other parts of the world.

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The podcasts go out every Monday morning.

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I make little PowerPoint presentations for those people because they have to speak through an interpreter or I have to give them just a little bit of the word and then their pastor will interpret them and teach them and everything.

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You can't send money to buy Bibles for them because of so many scams and stuff going on, so the best way to do it is like with a PowerPoint presentation or a podcast to where the pastor can interpret, and I have done a few WhatsApp meetings where I teach a little bit and the pastor translates.

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The trouble with that is lining up everybody for the time, because when it's daytime here, it's nighttime there and there's a lot going on, and then in some countries I won't say which ones they have a lot of violence and stuff going on and they're persecuted.

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The pictures and stuff I get the faces are covered so you can't identify them because of persecution and things like that.

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We really could use your support.

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But I never ask for money.

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I'm not going to start now.

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If you want to support us, just look on thechaplainscornernet and you'll see a donate page.

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100% of everything you do goes to the ministry.

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We don't keep anything for ourselves.

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We love you, we love these people we minister to.

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I have a really good time doing these podcasts.

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I hope it shows through the enthusiasm of a voice and the down to earth and just a one-on-one talking.

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But I'd like to hear from you that you're enjoying it or if you have suggestions, I sure would be open to reading your communication.

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Your name and stuff will never be sold or given out.

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That's nobody's business, but just between us.

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But if you need prayer requests or you need prayer, well, just feel free to fill out the form.

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I'm not putting you on any kind of list.

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I do a letter once a month, but there's a lot of times I'll miss a month if I don't have anything going on.

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Well, you have a blessed day and thank you so much for listening to the podcast, amen the chaplain's corner podcast come out every monday morning.

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When you go to the chaplain's corner website, the chaplain's corner dot net, there will be a drop down menu from his website.

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If you would like to sign up for the chaplain's corner newsletter, be assured that your information will never be sold or given out.

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Also, please note that all monies donated will be used strictly for the ministry.

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Thank you so much for listening to chaplain terry's podcast.

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The lord bless you and keep you.

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The lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious unto you.

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The lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace in jesus name, amen.

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Thank you.