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Hello friend, captain Terry Warner here, this will be Time to Fly on Instruments.
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It's Season 5, episode 8, s5e8.
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It will air on February 24, 2025.
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We have a saying in aviation a good pilot is always learning.
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I learned to fly at 57 years old.
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I kept flying every chance I got but still had.
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Due to bad weather, it would prevent me from flying when I wanted to.
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I continued to learn about aviation, strive to become a better pilot, but found out I was still stuck on the ground a lot of the days due to weather.
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So I continued to learn and in March of 2007, I earned my instrument rating, but to remain current, I had to do six approaches and six landings every six months.
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I also learned that if I waited six months to do this, I had a lot of trouble performing the necessary requirements.
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This meant that at least once or twice a month I had to be flying IFR.
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I found my Christian walking life had a lot of similarities.
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Had a lot of similarities.
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I was saved and born again at the age of 12.
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Not BC, by the way.
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However, I received Christ as my Lord and Savior and then joined the 90% of the others and was assigned to a pew of do-nothing and fail at most things.
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I tried, of course, everything wasn't a failure.
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I had a marriage that ended in a divorce and losing contact with my two-year-old son.
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I really struggled for three years until the Lord saw that I was ready for another marriage.
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By the way, still growing strong and approaching 53 years of marital bliss, arlene, with her three children, restored faith and confidence in all of us.
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Then, after two miscarriages and a stillborn child, we started by adopting, first with two, then added one and then added one more, totaling four children.
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What a blessing this has been.
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So we raised her three children.
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When they were grown and gone, we had started adopting and adopted four more.
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However, as busy as we were, there was always sample time or ample time to remain sitting in our special pew of doing nothing for Jesus.
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But in 1972, shortly after the wedding, I met a man who was a walking Bible.
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I mean, he could quote scripture almost as good as Jesus could.
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He also had several failed businesses, always short of money, and had a tough time in life.
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He didn't, however, have a problem when it came to eternal things, only worldly things.
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He had learned to leave his special pew in life and fly by faith with Jesus.
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So if Ray can do this, I can too.
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So I studied and learned how to fly on instruments.
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I also found out that my instructor was with me, the Holy Spirit.
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I also found out that my instructor was with me, the holy spirit.
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I could fly hard and difficult ifr no-transcript do the same thing because of my training and instruction.
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Now, since 1972, I left my special appointed pew of sitting around and failing.
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For the first time in my life I started learning and how to learn to enjoy the beautiful and miracle-filled life of living with the Holy Spirit miracle-filled life of living with the Holy Spirit.
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At 78, I had quit flying physically and continued to distance myself and my family from sitting on the edge of the do-nothing pew, and I have no intention of ever going back to being a do-nothing pew sitter and a lukewarm Christian.
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My instructor was also the instructor for Tom Landry of the Dallas Cowboys and I could fly all kinds of IFRs my instructor.
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But it got a little challenging when I went and flew IFR by myself, especially at night, being able to fly an airplane at night without seeing the ground, without seeing anything, without seeing lights.
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It takes faith, it takes courage and boy, the first time I did it with my instructor, it was pretty intense.
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The first time I did it by myself, it was really intense.
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And then, the first time I did it by myself, it was really intense.
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And then, the first time I did it with my daughter and granddaughter, it was also intense.
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But you know, it was a thrill that I cannot put into words, hardly.
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So I'm asking you today, I'm maybe giving you an insight today.
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Asking you today, or maybe giving you an insight today, are you sitting on a do-nothing pew to nowhere and have you just keep learning and learning and learning?
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You memorize Bible verses, you memorize your Sunday school lesson, you memorize what the minister said in church and then, monday through Friday, you just go about your business and forget all about what you learned in church Sunday.
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And you wonder isn't there more to life than this?
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And the answer is yes, there is.
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It's get out of that pew, get off of that pew, get off of that do-nothing pew and get on instruments.
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Learn to fly first.
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You learn to fly, maybe you'll fly instruments.
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Do something difficult, do something hard, do something you can't do without the Holy Spirit helping you.
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That happens to be everything, but let the Holy Spirit help you and show you what to do and what you need to do so that you can fly high in life.
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You have a blessed day in Jesus' name.
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I have one little request this time on this podcast.
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On my podcast page thechaplainscornernet that's the word the chaplains with an S?
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Cornernet, all one word you'll find a donate page and I'm this this time and this.
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I'm asking for donations.
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I normally don't, it's not for me, but there is a young church in kenya, africa, that needs 40 bibles.
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That's what we're going to get them going on.
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They're going to believe the lord for 40 bibles.
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They are believing the Lord for 40 Bibles.
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If you could donate a little bit, not much, just what you can afford, just what you want to plant as a seed, and let's get this church off the ground down there in Kenya, because once we get the 40 Bibles, we're going to start believing the Lord for more Bibles and more Bibles, and more Bibles, the congregation will get settled and the church that gets going.
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They have got a lot of people down there, and I mean a lot of people down there that need to hear about Jesus Christ.
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So if you can give, I'd appreciate it so much for a 5013C.
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Everything you give will be used in the ministry.
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I don't keep any of it for myself.
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I don't even pay the expenses out of it.
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I do that myself.
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So donate what you can.
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Please Just go to the donate page.
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It's PayPal, it's coffee Coffee cup, I think they call it, and then, of course, just send it to me in the mail.
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You have a blessed day In Jesus' name, amen.
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The Chaplain's Corner podcast come out every Monday morning.
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When you go to the Chaplain's Corner website, thechaplainscornernet, there will be a drop-down menu from his website.
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If you would like to sign up for the chaplains corner newsletter, be assured that your information will never be sold or given out.
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Also, please note that all monies donated will be used strictly for the ministry.
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Thank you so much for listening to chaplain Terry's podcast.
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The Lord bless you and keep you.
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The Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious unto you.
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The Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace in Jesus name, amen, thank you.