Sept. 9, 2024

From Daily Annoyances to Spiritual Fulfillment

From Daily Annoyances to Spiritual Fulfillment

Ever feel like life is just one big looping reel of frustration and irritation? Chaplain Terry Warner knows that feeling all too well and dives into it headfirst in this week's episode. Drawing inspiration from Ecclesiastes 1:2-8, Chaplain Terry opens up about the mundane annoyances—like buffering technology—that can lead us to feelings of futility. But there's a beacon of hope! By surrendering our hearts to Jesus Christ, we can find a sense of peace and purpose, breaking free from the seemingly endless cycles that wear us down.

Beyond the spiritual insights, Chaplain Terry also provides valuable information on how to make the most out of the Chaplain's Corner podcast. From navigating the website to signing up for the newsletter, he ensures you won't miss a single moment of inspiration. And for those moved to support the ministry, rest assured that all donations are used to further this uplifting mission. As always, the episode ends with a heartfelt blessing, invoking the Lord's grace and protection. Join us, and let's journey together from frustration to divine fulfillment.

"He has shown you, O Man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?" (Micah 6:8)


00:25 - Stopping the Spinning Wheel of Life

10:25 - Chaplain's Corner Podcast Subscription Information


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Hello friend Chaplain Terry Warner.

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The title of this podcast is Buffering.

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It will air on September 9, 1924.

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It will be Season 4, episode 37.

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It will be Season 4, episode 37.

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Your foundation scriptures is Ecclesiastes, chapter 1, verses 2-8.

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I'm going to read them to you in the Amplified because it will get the point across better.

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You'll enjoy this podcast.

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Ecclesiastes 1, starting in verse 2.

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Meaningless, meaningless, says the teacher.

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Utter meaningless.

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Everything is meaningless.

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What does man gain from all his labor at which he toils under the sun?

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Generations come and generations go, but the earth remains forever.

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The sun rises and the sun sets and hurries back to where it rose.

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The wind blows to the south and turns to the north.

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Round and round it goes, ever returning on its own course, ever returning on its own course.

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All streams flow into the sea, yet the sea is never full To the place the streams come from.

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There they return again.

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All things are wearisome, more than one can say.

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The eye never has enough of seeing or the ear is full of hearing.

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That's pretty much mundane and despondent, isn't it?

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Well, the other night I was running late and I wanted to watch a particular TV program and it's a conservative news program and, as usual, the show had already started, but I was still on the introduction and I was having to wait for that little bitty, obnoxious wheel to quit spinning before I can advance and move on.

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In other words, it was buffering, and at that time I would think I was being buffeted upon instead of buffering.

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I became the buffeted upon.

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Instead of buffering, I became the buffeted.

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Or I'm at the grocery store and the clerk says did you find everything okay?

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No, I didn't find everything okay, because its location has been hidden from me due to rearranging of numerous items.

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But by this time the little wheel is running in circles in my head while I try and make sense of coming to the grocery store in the first place.

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I finally exit the grocery store and get the idea of an ice cream cone.

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On the way home, I pull up into the drive-up window, get behind two cars that have a single person in the car but order a seven-course meal.

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While I wait, the little wheel has gone back to spinning inside my head.

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That have a single person in the car but order a seven-course meal.

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While I wait, the little wheel has gone back to spinning inside my head.

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I then head home and in a rush to unpack the frozen food in the back seat.

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Going through the roundabouts, my little head wheel stops, resumes to spinning again.

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I finally decide to listen to my favorite Christian radio station and tune in just as they enter a new trivial interview of an amazing product that interrupts my music and starts my inner wheel to spinning inside my head again.

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After making it home, putting away the groceries, hiding the evidence of my ice cream cone or candy, after I start preparing dinner and start wondering where I put it, I shifted the focus over to the housewife and again the little wheel is beginning to spin again and this time, instead of slowing down, I find I am being buffered again and the little circle inside my head resumes.

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What a despondent, futile and meaningless life I live.

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There is nothing new under the sun.

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Ecclesiastes 1.9.

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Is there no escape from the frustrating spinning and buffering wheel of life?

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Well, yes, there is, and you can stop the little irritating wheel immediately that's spinning inside your head.

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So follow these simple steps to stop spinning the wheel or have the wheel stop spinning inside your head, the spinning the wheel of life going on inside your mind.

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Give your heart to Jesus Christ.

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Just say Jesus, come into my heart and fill me with your peace and love.

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Step two If any man be in Christ, he is a new creation.

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Old things are passed away and all things become new.

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2 Corinthians 5, 14-21.

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The Holy Spirit will come into your life.

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Slow down the spinning wheel and bring it to a gentle stop.

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Now you can clearly hear the music of God, or love.

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Do you know that the word God is our English translation of a divine being?

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And words are containers?

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And when you think of God, you think of some old man, some wise old man, some lovingly old man, maybe some mean old man sitting in heaven's chair holding on to everything trying to keep you from getting it, and consequently, you're doomed to go through life and poverty and lack and want and sickness and ill health and frustration, and all the while the little wheel is just spinning like crazy, never to run down, never to quit.

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Today we're stopping that.

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Today we are stopping that.

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I want you, when you say the name God, g-o-d.

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When you say that name, I want you to translate it to the word love.

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God is.

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Love Is a tornado.

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Love, no, is a hurricane.

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Love no Is sickness.

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Love, no.

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I love you so much, dear.

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You just got to hold on to that cancer a little while longer.

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Well, the Lord may be trying to teach you something.

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The Holy Spirit will teach you everything and he doesn't need sickness to do it.

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Sickness, poverty, lack, want, frustration, boils, mildew and a host of others Deuteronomy 28 is where you'll find them are curses under the law.

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Once you give your heart to Jesus Christ, you don't live under that curse.

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You can, if you want to, but it's a hard road to hold.

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So why do it?

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Why hold on to that?

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Let me pick up where I left off.

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When you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and say Jesus, come into my heart and I believe you died for my sins, rose from the dead and is seated at the right hand of the Father, and I believe that you will come back and I become your child.

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You have become my Father and I cry.

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I have a Father and I've been born into the family of god.

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I have been born again.

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He who knew no sin was made to be sin so that I might be made the righteousness of god.

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In christ jesus, I have right standing with god.

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Let me throw another little tidbit in here this morning.

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This morning I was out weeding in my ditch and I get a lot of thinking because I had my headphones on and I asked the Lord, just asked him.

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I said you know, no man knows the day or the hour, not even the angels, not even Jesus knows the day or the hour.

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Why is that?

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The Lord said have you ever done a book report in school?

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And I said well, sure.

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Well, when did you start to do it?

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I said the day before and the night.

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Did you get it done?

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No, I got a hurry through it because I wasn't complete and I tried to cram too much into too much time, too little time, and I didn't get a good grade.

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Well, my son, jesus, is head of the church.

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He's the head, is he not?

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Yes, you're the body, are you not yes?

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Well then, how am I going to tell the head when I'm coming back and not tell the body?

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God is not doing that to keep you so you don't know, or to keep you in the dark, or to be some kind of mysterious guru.

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He knows that if he does tell us when he's returning, we're going to sit on our duffs until the day before, the night before, and then we're going to try to cram it all into one night and get ready for him, and we're not going to have enough time and we're going to fail and then he loses a lot more.

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Just rest assured if jesus said he's coming back, he's coming back.

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They said the same thing about the flood, laughed at noah, everything else.

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Let them laugh, let them push, let them shove, but you have the knowledge of Jesus Christ in you.

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Jesus has made unto you wisdom, righteousness, sanctification and redemption.

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When it's time, you'll either hear the trumpet or the Lord will give you a heads up, or you'll feel an unction in your spirit.

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One way or another.

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When it's time, when it's the best time, when it's the most opportune time for God to reap his reward, he will come back.

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You have a blessed day In Jesus' name, amen.

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The Chaplain's Corner podcast come out every Monday morning.

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When you go to the Chaplain's Corner website, thechaplainscornernet, there will be a drop-down menu from his website.

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If you would like to sign up for the Chaplain's Corner newsletter, be assured that your information will never be sold or given out.

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Assured that your information will never be sold or given out.

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Also, please note that all monies donated will be used strictly for the ministry.

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Thank you so much for listening to chaplain terry's podcast.

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The lord bless you and keep you.

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The lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious unto you.

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The lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace In Jesus' name, amen.

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Thank you.