Feb. 10, 2025

God's Image and Our True Identity

God's Image and Our True Identity

"He has shown you, O Man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?" (Micah 6:8)


00:25 - The Image of God and Salvation

10:58 - Chaplain's Corner Podcast Information


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Hello, friendplain Terry Warner here.

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This will be Season 5, episode 6, s5e6.

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It will air on 2-10-2025.

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The title is Created in His Image.

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Then God said Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth and over all the creatures that move along the ground.

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That's Genesis 1 26.

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The most central characteristic and attributes is that God is love.

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It is his love that creates and operates and holds everything together in perfect harmony and creates a life of abundance and eternal growth in all things.

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The image of God is the foundational concept that we use to define our dignity and purpose of our life and work.

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We discuss that our worth is directly connected or we discover that our worth is directly connected to our Creator.

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Being made in God's image gives us value and the ability to worship and fellowship with God.

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The closer we draw to God, the more our image looks like Christ.

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Because we have the same godly traits, we also have the ability to rule and reign with our Heavenly Father.

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You know Jesus came to earth and died and he suffered for us, jesus being part of the Godhead, god the Father, god the Son, god, the Holy Spirit.

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God the Father spoke the words and brought this world, planted the seed and brought this word.

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Jesus is the word made flesh from the words.

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He's the action that you see on the earth.

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The Holy Spirit is the result of Jesus' work, or the Spirit of Christ, or however you want to say it, but they all three work together and they're all one God.

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They're not three, they're one God.

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They have three different functions.

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The best way I know to explain it is you have water that's liquid.

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You have water that's ice and you have water that's just nothing but steam, and that's three parts, but it's still water.

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H2o still water.

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There are no ordinary people.

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You have never met a mere mortal, the weight of glory.

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Cs Lewis quoted that People that you see every day, even the ones that you are at a low stature or you put at a low stature, are the ones who will live forever under judgment or salvation.

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Even the most obscure person in God's eyes is valuable.

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Even the most obscure person in God's eyes is valuable.

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Today, some people focus on our dignity and self-worth without much mention of our sinfulness.

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On the other hand, in the past and in many events of the present, the emphasis has been on our utter unworthiness and sinfulness, without any note of our dignity or God's grace.

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In other words, we're put on this earth.

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A lot of us have the idea that we're just a bunch of buffoons fumbling around the earth's running out.

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We have crisis after crisis and fight after fight and strife after strife.

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We fight, we argue, we try to impose our rights on somebody else, instead of making this world a better place by getting an agreement.

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Stop and think about it.

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God's word adds and multiplies.

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The devil's words subtracts and divides.

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God has come to give us life, and to give it abundantly.

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The devil has come to kill, to steal and destroy John 10.10.

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And then Christ said but I have come to give you life, and that more abundantly.

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God is for you, for us, he's for me, he's for you.

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He wants to see you succeed.

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That doesn't mean in greed and overtaking and power and getting ruler.

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It means that you are with your fellow man that God created.

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While I'm thinking about it, god created Adam and we know he named all the animals and everything else.

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And if there was no helpmate or helper made for Adam, so God put him in a deep sleep, took a rib, closed up the place where he took the rib and created Eve.

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Why you ever wonder just why he didn't make the dust and make an Eve and do it that way.

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Well, adam had already taken the animals that came from the dust of the earth.

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So if he made Eve new and from the dust of the earth, then you would have had Adam and Eve, but Eve would have been on the same level as the animals.

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Adam was complete and full of God and full of glory and full of love and full of righteousness.

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And Adam, the only thing that could help Adam was somebody in his class, somebody like him.

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And that's where Eve came in.

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One translation, sort of on a humorous note.

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When Adam saw Eve, he said wow, this is what I really needed.

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My wife helped me so much.

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She's my helper, my friend, my lover.

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We've had over 52 plus years of marriage.

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We have a good time together, but we have a good time together when we work and cooperate and work with each other, not when we fight and argue and insist on our own way.

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The better I treat her.

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In other words, the more I treat her like a queen, the more I get treated like a king.

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We're not competing, we're partners and we are turning this planet and our lifestyle into what God desires and God wants and God is pleasing.

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We're going to get to go to heaven one of these days, pretty soon, in the rapture, and there we will still be one flesh and we'll be together forever and eternity.

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I don't quite know understand how it all works.

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I just know I'm looking forward to the day that I can really honestly love my wife and she return the love like, just like we do with God, the Father.

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God gave man a lease on his creation.

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Unfortunately, adam sinned and gave up his Now, the earth, and man could not reproduce love, which is the main element necessary to create and grow himself in our fellowship.

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So it took Jesus Christ coming, becoming sin for us, going to hell, defeating the devil, being raised from the dead and seated at the right hand of the Father.

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At the right hand of the Father and consequently, in addition, when we accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, we die with Him and we're raised with Him in glory, and we have the glory of the Lord living inside of us.

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The Holy Spirit, jesus, god, the Father, the Trinity, lives inside me when I say the Kingdom of God's over here, over there.

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Don't be fooled with it and go looking over there, over there or in somebody else.

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The kingdom of God is within you.

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When you bow your head, you're looking at the kingdom.

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Don't look higher than the ceiling.

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Don't reach up for God, trying to get him to come down, or don't try to bring him up from the past and have him do something again.

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God is in you.

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He lives and abides in you.

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Through the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ, we are changed into Jesus's image and likeness and therefore become as he is in this world.

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First John 4 17.

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By accepting God's call, we are equipped with the gifts of the Holy Spirit and have the ability to defeat the devil and return this creation, including ourselves, and restore his grace, mercy and salvation that existed before the fall of man.

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With our dignity and value restored, we must establish our inner beliefs, behaviors, moral and ethics and get back to being conformed to the image and likeness of Jesus Christ, in other words, god's Word.

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We need to become God-living and working miracles inside me, minded, it is because of him that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God.

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That is our righteousness, holiness and redemption.

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1 Corinthians 1.30.

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Think about it you are a child of God.

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You are a child of God.

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You are a child of God, the God that created this universe, the heavens, the planets, the stars, the food, the birds, the animals.

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You are a child of God and you have dominion and rule, as long as you do it in love and in the spirit of Jesus Christ and have Jesus Christ living in your heart.

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He who knew no sin was made to be sin for me, that I might be made the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.

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Do I mess up?

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Of course.

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Do I sin?

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Yes, but when I repent and ask God for forgiveness and I am forgiven, I am made clean and righteous and whole before God.

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And when that trumpet blows, when my day on earth is my last day and I close my eyes in eternal sleep, when I take my next breath, it will be in glory.

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You have a blessed day In Jesus' name, amen.

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The Chaplain's Corner podcast come out every Monday morning.

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When you go to the Chaplain's Corner website, thechaplainscornernet, there will be a drop-down menu from his website.

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If you would like to sign up for the chaplain's corner newsletter, be assured that your information will never be sold or given out.

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Also, please note that all monies donated will be used strictly for the ministry.

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Thank you so much for listening to chaplain terry's podcast.

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The lord bless you and keep you.

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The Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious unto you.

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The Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace In Jesus' name, amen.

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Thank you.