Sept. 2, 2024

Guiding Light in Times of Economic Turbulence

Guiding Light in Times of Economic Turbulence

Can you imagine the immense weight of a $38 trillion national debt? Join us as we grapple with this staggering figure and dissect the financial missteps that have led us here. In "Sit Up Straight and Pay Attention," we confront the consequences of unchecked spending and inflation, and consider how biblical teachings can illuminate a path toward responsible stewardship and economic recovery. Our discussion underscores the urgent need for love, forgiveness, and prayer as we navigate these turbulent times, always bearing in mind the spiritual preparation for the second coming of Jesus Christ.

In the heartwarming second chapter, "Chaplain's Corner Podcast Blessings," we extend a warm invitation to our community. We share the benefits of joining our Chaplain's Corner newsletter, assuring you that your privacy is our priority and that contributions directly support our ministry. We close with a powerful benediction, invoking God's grace, peace, and light to guide your path. Tune in for an episode rich in thoughtful analysis and spiritual nourishment.

"He has shown you, O Man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?" (Micah 6:8)


00:07 - National Debt and Divine Prosperity

09:32 - Chaplain's Corner Podcast Blessings


00:00:07.886 --> 00:00:24.358
Hello friend Chaplain Terry Warner here.

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Hello friend Chaplain Terry Warner here.

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The title of this podcast is Sit Up Straight and Pay Attention.

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It's Series 4, or Season 4, episode 36, and it will air on September 2, 2024.

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One o'clock in the morning.

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By the way, your foundation scriptures are Proverbs 28 and 29.

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We have an important election coming up in November and I noticed a lot of people would rather argue and criticize each other than get active in helping our leaders reach a solution to our problems.

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Granted, a lot of the leaders make the problems and then solve it like they're some kind of genius.

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Our first and foremost problem, in my opinion, is a national debt of $38 trillion.

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The $38 trillion debt means that we are currently spending $1 trillion every 100 days.

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Our number one expense is paying the interest on the debt.

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Our number two expense is entitlements.

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Are you aware that our politicians and government are slyly inserting social security as an entitlement and reducing that expense, or talking about reducing that expense of paying out every month, is being considered so we can maintain other programs?

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Our inflation rate is adjusted daily and consequently it scrambles our true inflation rate, so we don't really know for sure what it is.

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What caused all this?

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Mainly uncontrolled spending, allotting money to non-citizens, buying our energy instead of using our own, refusing to curb our spending on everything and printing more money.

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And we're still just printing money as fast as we can.

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There's not $38 trillion in the world, it's all just paper.

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We have let in approximately 10 million illegal immigrants and given them money and benefits that we could not afford.

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We have aborted over 50 million babies.

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That is a 50 million per person reduction, or a 50 million person reduction for a tax base that is gone permanently.

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However, what is the root problem of our demise?

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And I'll quote.

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But you shall remember the Lord, thy God, for it is he that gives you the power to get wealth, it is he that may establish His covenant, which he swore unto you fathers.

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As it is this day, that's Deuteronomy 8.18.

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And for you, new Testament, people Beloved, I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers, 3 John 2.

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Let's say I have a million dollars that I would like to give you because I love you, but you won't let me in your school, you won't let me in your place of employment, you won't let me in your home, you won't let me pray for you.

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That's Hebrews 7.25.

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And to top it all off, you inform me that I have passed away.

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God is dead.

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Time Magazine, april the 8th 1966.

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And actually, the million dollars is filthy and you are too stingy.

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1 Timothy 6.10.

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And change your mind.

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Malachi 3.6 and Deuteronomy 28.

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Then I start bawling and hollering at how mean and unjust you are and the only thing I receive from God is poverty, lack and sickness.

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So that I might learn something by being forced to, I have literally blocked God Almighty, who is love, from being able to help me.

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I think you understand that we are complaining and trying to get God to change His laws so we can live in rebellion and still receive His blessings.

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It is time we start praying for our country, for our leaders federal, state, local and our neighbors leaders federal, state, local and our neighbors.

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It is time we forgive them and forgive others and forgive ourselves and ask God for mercy to forgive us instead of judgment.

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We're facing judgment very soon.

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We're facing the return of Jesus Christ very soon.

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Oh, I know you can shr?

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Shred your shoulders and roll your eyes all you want to, but when you look at our present condition and the financial state of the world, it's not just us.

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We are close to the very end times of this age running down.

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You know, the Jews were looking for the Messiah when he came the first time.

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They were looking for a conquering king and he came as a lamb slain for the sin of the world.

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Now we're looking for a return of Jesus Christ to gather his church and he's looking for a return to separate the sheep from the goats.

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Seek first the kingdom of God, and all these things or blessings shall be added unto you.

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Matthew 6.33.

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Friend, we have got to quit pointing fingers, arguing, disagreeing, griping and complaining and get back into walking in love, because God is love and we cannot walk with God if we do not walk in love.

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So, as today, I start today every morning, I forgive everyone.

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I forgive them.

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I forgive the people I meet.

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I forgive the people I don't meet.

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If I go into a place to eat, I forgive the people there, forgive them for what I don't know.

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Whatever may rise up, I'm going to stay in a forgiving attitude.

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I'm going to stay in a loving attitude.

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God is my source and God is love.

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And in order for God to be love, he'll always be love.

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In order for me to work and be in love with God, I've got to love everybody the same way he loved us unconditionally.

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So I do that right now in the name of Jesus.

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So I do that right now in the name of Jesus.

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Father, forgive me for holding on to grudges, for being sour-minded so many times, for speaking contrary to your word, for using your name in vain.

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Now, I don't use profanity, I haven't been known to do that.

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Forgive me for that.

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But using your name in vain is just speaking what I know to not be the truth.

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God's word is truth.

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Jesus is the word made flesh.

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You want to live in victory.

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Give your heart to Jesus Christ, fellowship with him daily and learn his ways.

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He'll make your way prosperous.

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He'll make you the head and not the tail.

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You'll lend to many and not borrow.

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You'll live and walk in divine health and prosperity.

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Everything you set your hand to do will prosper.

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You will be more than a conqueror through Jesus Christ.

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You can do all things through Jesus Christ, who gives you strength In him.

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In Jesus, I live and move and have.

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My being, my existence I owe to him totally and I call him my Lord and my Savior.

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Jesus is Lord over this nation, over my life, over your life.

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The quicker you learn that and the quicker you work with him and get in on his side, the better things will be and you can live a life of victory and love, kindness, caring, and you can be a solution to the problem in this world instead of part of the problem itself.

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You have a blessed day.

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In Jesus' name amen.

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The Chaplain's Corner podcast.

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You have a blessed day In Jesus' name, amen.

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If you would like to sign up for the Chaplain's Corner newsletter, be assured that your information will never be sold or given out.

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Also, please note that all monies donated will be used strictly for the ministry.

00:09:53.554 --> 00:09:57.657
Thank you so much for listening to Chaplain Terry's podcast.

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The Lord bless you and keep you.

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The Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious unto you.

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The lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace in jesus name, amen.

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Thank you.