Jan. 27, 2025

Planting Seeds of Faith: Unlocking Divine Blessings and Abundance

Planting Seeds of Faith: Unlocking Divine Blessings and Abundance

"He has shown you, O Man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?" (Micah 6:8)


00:00 - Planting Seeds for a Harvest

12:48 - Speaking God's Word for Blessings


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Hello, finn Chaplain, terry Warner here.

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This is Seed Time and Harvest, lesson 5.

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It will air on January the 29th on the Internet.

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The podcast will be January the 27th.

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The main theme of these five lessons has been planting seeds and expecting a harvest and I decided that, because the podcast is growing so much, to start putting it on verbal podcast and also putting the podcast video podcast on YouTube.

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So this is my first one on YouTube.

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I'll warn you right now I'm not photogenic, maybe photo nutty, photo nutty, but anyway.

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So let's get going with it.

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We're going.

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We've been talking all week in case you haven't been on about planting seeds, seed time and harvest, seed time and harvest.

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So we're going to shift a little bit to the next step and the final step in this series.

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And the final step in this series.

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We'll shift our focus on how to plant seeds and start harvesting.

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So many of us, if not all of us, are good at planting seeds everywhere we go and then go to bed, rise up, plant more seeds and we seed, and we seed, and we seed, we sow, we sow, we sow and we plant seeds and the next thing, you know, we've got seeds planted all over the place.

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Some of them are sown, some of them are scattered, some of them are just thrown out the window.

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But anyway, we're good at planting seeds.

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What we're not good at, as a rule rule, is receiving from God the harvest of the seeds.

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So we struggled every day and we work harder to make more money to further the kingdom of God, and there's nothing wrong with that.

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That that's good.

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That's it's good that we do that.

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But the point of it is we need to be able to direct our giving specifically to a particular place.

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If you hear the paper shuffling, it's my parkinson's making my hands shake.

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I'll try not to do that.

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Good at planting seeds everywhere and then go to bed and rise up, plant more seeds.

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Go to bed, rise up, plant more seeds.

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You get the idea.

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And he said this is jesus, so is the kingdom of god.

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As if a man shall cast seed into the ground the word, your words and should sleep and rise night and day, and the seed your words, should spring and grow up.

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He knows not how intrinsically good man, out of the good treasures of stored seeds in his heart, produces what is upright, honorable and intrinsically good.

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And Then the evil man out of the evil storehouse brings forth fruit, that which departed Is wicked and intrinsically evil.

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For out of the abundance or overflow of what is in your heart, his mouth speaks and and then, in forty six, jesus says why do you call me jesus, lord, lord, and do not practice what I tell you, practice what that's me.

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That's not jesus.

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Matthew fifteen, thirteen, fifteen, nineteen, says for out of the heart comes evil thoughts, reasonings and disputing and designs such as murder, adultery, sexual vice, theft and irreverent speech.

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These are what makes a man unclean and defiles him.

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But eating with unwashed hands does not make him unclean or defiled.

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In other words, what goes in your mouth, goes into your stomach and then gets out of the body is not going to make you unclean.

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It's what comes out of the heart.

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It's what's in there in your heart that defiles you.

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By your words you're justified.

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By your words you're condemned, and those words are formed in your heart by what you have in your heart in abundance.

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For the earth brings forth fruit of herself, first the blade, then the ear after that, then the full corn in the ear.

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But when the fruit is ripe, in other words, your words come to pass.

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If you look in Genesis, where God created the heavens in the earth, you'll see that God is male and you'll see that the earth is female.

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The seeds are planted in the earth.

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The seeds are planted in your heart.

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That's the relationship.

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Right there, most of us in the blabbing grab it plan know these verses by heart, but continue to struggle with bringing to pass our words.

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We struggle and try our best but are continually disappointed and frustrated.

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Well, do you remember that god said in amos 3, 3, can two walk together except they be agreed?

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You are cursed with a curse, for you are robbing me, even this whole nation.

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That's leviticus.

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That refers to leviticus 26, 14 through 17.

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I'm reading out of malachi bring all the tithes, the whole tenth of your income, that there may be food in my god's, in my house, god's house, and prove me now, says the lord of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven for you.

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The quickest way to get a nation blessed is by getting the people blessed, by doing what god says to do, by planting seeds, and then he'll pour you out a blessing that there should not be room enough to receive it.

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Malachi, two, two, ever had your kids?

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Or do you remember when you were a kid and your parents told or made you do something.

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They could see it maybe where they couldn't and did it, but what happened to your reward?

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Your attitude and words and lifestyle prevented you from receiving a blessing from your parents.

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Don't let the same thing happen between you and god.

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In other words, when god tells you to do something, don't roll your eyes and grudgingly do it or ignore him.

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So how do I tithe when I owe everyone and I don't have any money?

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Well, we were in the same boat and it seemed like every time we tried to tithe years ago, we wound up short and and just being more broke than what we had and went without, and so we gave ten dollars a week.

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We could afford that.

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So we gave ten dollars a week for, oh well, over a year, and then by that time the lord started blessing us.

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You see, so many times we want to put ten dollars in and then sit there and wait for a hundred dollars to show up.

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It doesn't quite work that way.

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I guess it can and I guess on occasion, maybe to somebody it does, but for the most part, tithing and giving and reaping, and sowing and reaping is a lifestyle.

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It's not a one-time deal and you're not under the law.

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You're not under the curse.

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Jesus became the curse for us, but God sent his son to bear our sins and we have been born again by an incorruptible seed.

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1 Peter, 1.23 says you have been regenerated or born again, not from a mortal death or origin seed sperm, but from one that is immortal by the ever-living and lasting word of God.

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It is the spirit, the holy spirit, who gives life.

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He is the life giver.

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Through the body or through your words, you speak and your lifestyle is one way.

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Don't have a cavalier spirit when you are trying to get your needs met and draw closer to god.

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The flesh, the senses, conveys no benefit whatever.

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There is no profit.

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In other words, the words or truth that I have been speaking to you are spirit and life.

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Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.

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3, 13.

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Christ purchased our freedom, or redeeming us, so to speak, from the curse, the doom of the law and its condemnation, by himself becoming a curse for us.

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For it is written in the scriptures cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree or is crucified, deuteronomy 21, 23.

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Oh, that's just my cross to bear.

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I got to bear this.

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God's's gonna get some glory out of this sickness.

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God's gonna do this.

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God said no.

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You are contrary to the word of god and it's not gonna work.

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God doesn't get glory out of seeing you suffer.

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God gets glory out of seeing you be blessed.

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You're his child, you're his apple of his eye.

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You're right up there with everybody else abraham, isaac, james.

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You're right up there with jesus.

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God doesn't love jesus more than he loves you.

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If he did, jesus wouldn't have gone to the cross.

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Stop and think about it.

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But he did.

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He went to the cross and he became shame and received judgment and he took over everything and conquered the devil and kicked him out.

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42, 43, 44, and 45.

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Isaiah 42, 5.

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Thus says the God, the Lord, he that created the heavens and stretched them out, he that spread forth the earth and that which comes out of it.

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What is coming out?

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It is with you being born again.

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Your new man is speaking out the seed from the body of Christ that you have planted.

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God is going to honor his word, and the silly things we say and do and worship produce a harvest of nothing and we, through ignorance and unbelief, frantically run around begging God to do something that goes against his word oh, just come down and touch me.

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Oh, if you could receive just a little touch from you.

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Friend, the Holy Spirit lives inside you.

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That's the reason why Jesus went back to heaven and you have a body.

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You have authority on this earth.

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A ghost does not have authority on this earth.

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The Holy Spirit has authority through us, but he is limited to how well we receive.

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Him, gives breath unto the people upon it and the spirit to them that walk therein.

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How do you think this earth keeps all the resources and everything it has?

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It keeps them by the words.

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God spoke the words and everything makes after its own kind and it produced and harvest and stuff.

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What's going to happen if the world winds up going around confessing we're running out of everything?

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There's going to be a shortage, not because of God, because of us.

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God is blessing, he is a blessing.

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God honors me with blessings that I cannot contain.

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It's up to me to get an attitude of gratefulness and repentance and servitude and receive those blessings into my life.

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Friend, you can quote god's word forever and ever and see no results, because your lifestyle is contrary to the word of god or god's word.

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Does jesus say you're sick, I broke, I'm so poor I can't even pay attention, or I'm so far in debt that I am expecting the bank to foreclose any day.

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Then you find yourself getting mad at God because your ignorance and unbelief in God's word is nullifying the items you are praying for.

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Meanwhile, you continue to insist and refuse to be taught by the holy spirit.

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Friend, if you call yourself a christian and are born again, it is your tongue, keeping you out of the blessings of god.

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Start right now to repent, speaking and planting god's word in your heart, your earth, and let god grow a harvest of blessings in your some kind of biblical experiment or an exercise in futility.

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Learn how to get god's word to fight for you and to tell the devil it is written be gone.

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I'm not trying to be hard on you or unkind or mean, but it's time we, as christians, started reading the bible and quit being ignorant of God's devices, because the devil is eating our lunch and, as somebody else would say, popping the bag.

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Let's put a stop to it.

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I rebuke the devil in Jesus' name.

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Jesus is my light and my salvation.

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I am blessed that whatever I set my hands to do, I, everything I set my hand to do prospers.

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I'm more than a conqueror.

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Through Jesus Christ, I can do all things.

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Through Jesus Christ, who gives me strength.

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I have more than enough.

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Jesus Christ, my God, meets all my needs according to his riches and glory.

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By Christ Jesus, it's pretty rich in heaven.

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To be truthful, I live and walk in divine health and prosperity.

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I'm more than a conqueror.

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I can run through a troop and leap over a wall.

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I defeat the devil with a piece, like a piece of cake, because I use the words that god gives me to use, just like we just finished doing my usual sign off.

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I love you, I pray for you and all over the world.

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These podcasts and video podcasts go all over the world.

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Hopefully they're a help to you.

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They're a help to me.

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I enjoy doing them.

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I love you, god.

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May the Lord bless you and keep you.

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May the Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious unto you.

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May the Lord lift up His countenance upon you and be gracious unto you.

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May the lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.

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You have a blessed day.

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In jesus name, amen.