Jan. 13, 2025

The Divine Seed and Life's Harvest

The Divine Seed and Life's Harvest

Seed time and harvest are not just agricultural metaphors; they represent spiritual truths that align with our faith journey. In this episode, we explore how our words and actions shape our spiritual realities and how aligning with God's promises unlocks power in our lives.

• Exploring the concept of seeds in creation 
• Understanding Christ as the glue unifying all things 
• Discussing the parable of the good seed and the tares 
• Reflecting on Adam and Eve's spiritual death 
• The influence of doubt on faith and outcomes 
• Emphasizing the believer's authority in Christ 
• Introducing the law of faith and its significance 
• The importance of giving and sowing seeds 
• Encouraging listeners to embrace their identity as God's children 
• Final thoughts on living a life of purpose and action 

Please check out our website for more resources and to sign up for the newsletter!

"He has shown you, O Man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?" (Micah 6:8)


00:25 - Law of Faith

14:12 - The Power of Faith and Obedience


00:00:25.056 --> 00:00:27.777
Hello friend, chaplain Terry Warner here.

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This will be Season 5, episode 2.

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It will air on January 13, 2025.

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It's seed time and harvest.

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This will be Lesson 3.

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We pretty much established in 1 and 2 that everything that you see, feel, hear, touch or whatever is from a seed, and God's Word was the original seed that formed the earth and put it all together.

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While I'm thinking about it, jesus Christ is the glue, so to speak, or the element, so to speak.

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It's called laminin, laminin, laminin, hard to pronounce, but if you look up the molecule, what it looks like?

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It's in the shape of a cross.

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It holds all things together.

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L-a-m-l-i-n, I think, is how you spell it.

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So just go Google it, you'll be amazed.

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But we decided, or we read, where Jesus is, the head of the body, which is the church, who is the beginning?

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The firstborn from the dead.

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Now, if he's the firstborn from the dead, then we're in there somewhere.

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We're second, third, fourth, fifth gosh knows what our number is.

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But let me back up the firstborn from the dead, that in all things he, jesus, might have preeminence, for it pleased the Father that in him, in other words in Jesusesus, should all the fullness dwell.

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Colossians 1, 16 through 19.

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So we somewhere that as he is, so are we in this world.

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I have to look it up on his days anyway.

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Let's look at Matthew 13.

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He answered and said to the unto them he that sows the good seed is the Son of man.

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That would be Jesus in his earthly body.

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The field is the world.

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The good seed are the children of the kingdom.

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That's us, that's us.

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We're the body, we're the body of Christ, but the tares are the children of the wicked one.

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So we are a seed, we're christ's seed, we are the result of a promise that god made to mankind to redeem them.

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The enemy that sowed, that seeds the devil, and the harvest is the end of the world, and reapers are the angels.

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So let's drop on down a little bit.

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One more point I want to make.

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God told adam and eve that the day they ate the fruit of the tree of good and evil, they would surely die.

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He didn't mean physically.

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God's words are spirit and they are life.

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But what did die immediately was their spirit, their spirit person, and before, where they could walk and talk and commune with God in the garden.

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That was now gone, and I often wondered if Eve had just fallen instantly and died the immediate when she ate the fruit died the immediate when she ate the fruit.

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Would Adam have been?

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Would have continued to eat it.

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You see, adam didn't see the death per se.

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He knew something was wrong, but he probably couldn't put his finger on it right then.

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Things were happening fast and so we think that, out of the love of Eve, he didn't want to be separated, that Adam ate the fruit.

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Also, what Adam should have done was grab that fruit out of her hand and said you go over there and sit down and be quiet and listen to this and turn around and said devil, you get out of this garden.

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You and all your cohorts, you just get out of this garden.

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You and y'all your cohort, you just get out of this garden.

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You got no business here.

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We're going to follow god.

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Well, anyway, satan is currently using our mouth to speak and bring to pass ungodly problems in our daily lives.

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Why is he using our mouth?

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Well, because when we believe Jesus Christ and are born again, we have the power of God, we have the authority of God, we have the words of God and they can mean power.

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You ever wonder why somebody, when they hit their thumb with a hammer, don't say oh Buddha or oh Confucius.

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Why is that?

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Why do they take the Lord's name in vain?

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And when they damn something, buddha damn this and Buddha damn that.

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Why it's because those gods are not alive, they're dead, they're in the grave.

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You can go visit the tomb.

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You go visit the tomb of Jesus.

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You'll find an empty tomb.

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You won't find bones there.

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God's not the God of the dead, he's the God of the living and Jesus Christ is alive and well and doing fine.

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Us church people, the believer, the body, for the most part, are not doing so well, why not?

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Because we don't know the word.

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We say we know the word, but we get the idea.

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We see the name and claim it, bunch, the confession of faith, bunch.

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And so hot.

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We say, hot dog, I can do that.

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So we go around naming and claiming and blabbing and grabbing and then our prayers don't get answered and our countenance falls and we go to Jesus and say, oh my Jesus, your word didn't work.

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No, his word worked.

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His word worked exactly.

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You were going contrary to the word of God and you got exactly what you were saying.

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We've been going around saying what we have instead of speaking to the mountain.

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We've been going around saying what we have Instead of speaking to the mountain.

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We've been talking about the mountain, saying how big it is, how hard it is, how tough it is.

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It's not any of those things.

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Speak to the mountain and it shall obey you.

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It will obey you.

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You get your words lined up with Jesus' words, it'll happen.

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You get your words lined up with Jesus' words, it'll happen.

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So we see that the planet is governed and controlled by men and women, because to have authority on this earth you must have a body.

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That's why Jesus had to come to earth.

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He could not come as a divine power or God.

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We could not go because we had sin nature already in us.

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We inherited it.

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So Jesus didn't have sin nature in his body.

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He became sin on the cross and took all that sin to hell, but his body was sinless.

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He was sinless while on this earth.

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Not as God, as a man.

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That's why he called God as a man.

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That's why he called himself the Son of man.

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Jesus Christ left his throne, came to earth as a 100% man and 100% God and defeated the devil in awful combat and took away his keys that he got from Adam.

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After defeating the devil, he gave us that's the church, that's us, that's the body all his power and authority.

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By not reading his word, god's word, we have tried to run and control the devil.

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The devil, instead of fleeing, has been laughing at us and thumbing his nose at us.

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Mainly because we don't know how to operate inside God's dominion.

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It is time for the church or the believers to start their journey to learn God's law.

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Okay, now we're going to get into the law of faith.

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All of God's creation is governed by laws.

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Let's look at Romans 3, 27 through 31.

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We're going to talk about the law of faith.

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Where is boasting, then?

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It is excluded.

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By what law of works?

00:08:47.279 --> 00:08:50.884
No, but by the law of faith.

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First, john, 5, 4.

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Whatsoever, for who whatsoever is born of god that would be you if you're a christian overcomes the world, really, yes, really.

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And this is the victory that overcomes the world, even our faith.

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Your faith is using god's law to overcome the world, to be made the head and not the tail, to be prosperous and not broke.

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Poor lack, broke out of money before out a month is under the curse.

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Look it up in deuteronomy 28.

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It's under the curse.

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Poverty is under the curse.

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Don Don't be a Christian and try to operate under the curse.

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If you're not tithing, if you're not giving, just drop the tithing for a minute.

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If you're not giving anything to the Lord, what kind of seed are you planting?

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What kind of quality seed?

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A seed of nothing multiplied a hundred times is still nothing.

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Give something, do something, get busy doing something.

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Well, it says it's not a works.

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That's true, but faith without works is dead.

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Prayer doesn't make faith work, faith makes the prayer work.

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You can't expect God to multiply your seed if you plant nothing, and a stingy heart and a grudgingly giving person really hinders the reaping of grown seeds of plants of harvest Romans 3.27,.

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The plants of harvest Romans 3 27.

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The law of faith.

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The law of faith will produce Romans 8 29 for those whom he foreknew, of whom he was aware and loved beforehand.

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He also destined from the beginning for ordaining them to be molded into the image of his son and share inwardly his likeness.

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We are in his image and likeness.

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We look just like god in the spirit realm.

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When you look in that mirror, don't see yourself as poor, sickly, broke and and unfulfilled.

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See yourself as a child of God who has total authority over the devil and can do anything that the Bible says he can do.

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I am what the Bible I am.

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I am who the Bible says I am.

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I can do what the Bible says I can do Just because I can say what the Bible says, can do Just because I can say what the Bible says.

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If you don't know what to pray, take these podcasts and stuff and listen to them.

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Get your words and get it out.

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I apologize if you hear my hand shaking.

00:11:53.235 --> 00:11:54.998
I get excited.

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And my old Agent Parkinson's kicks in old age in.

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Parkinson's kicks in Agent Orange from the old age.

00:12:04.922 --> 00:12:07.986
Parkinson's from Agent Orange in Vietnam where it got sprayed.

00:12:09.389 --> 00:12:23.375
Anyway, he also destined from the beginning for ordaining them to be molded in the image of his son and share eminently his likeness, that he might become the firstborn among many brethren.

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If he's the firstborn and we're down there somewhere, well, we can't be born of god and not look like him.

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That wouldn't, that wouldn't work.

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Verse 30 and those whom he thus foreordained, he also called, and those whom he called he also justified, acquitted may, righteous, putting them into right, standing with himself.

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And those whom he justified, he also glorified hot dog, raising them to a heavenly dignity and condition or state of being.

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You are a child of god.

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I don't care if you're a little g, I don't care if you're the foot, I don't care if you're a little G, I don't care if you're the foot, I don't care if you're the bottom of the hill, I don't care if you're an unmentionable part.

00:13:05.803 --> 00:13:07.748
You are a child of God.

00:13:07.748 --> 00:13:13.388
And that puts you in a class that nobody else is in except you and God.

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And those whom he justified, he also glorified, raising them to a heavenly dignity and condition or state of being.

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Romans 8, 29,.

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Now the law of doubt will also produce.

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Romans 6, 23,.

00:13:32.578 --> 00:13:54.279
The wages of sin is death Job 3, 25, breaking the law of faith, and you're letting the law of doubt come in Romans 8, 6.

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How do you get to be spiritually minded?

00:14:02.083 --> 00:14:11.979
By spending time in the word, by spending time with Jesus and by saying what the word says Romans 14, 23,.

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But the man who has doubts, misgiving and uneasy conscience about eating and then eats, perhaps because of you, stands condemned before God because he is not true to his convictions and he does not act from faith.

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For whatever does not originate and proceed from faith is sin.

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In other words, whatever is done without a conviction of its approval by God is sin.

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Do what God instructs you to do, say what God tells you to say, and if that means having to be quiet for a week, then be quiet for a week.

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Get in line and work with God and work with his word, and in doing so you will reap the benefits of a 100% harvest.

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It's on its way.

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As long as you plant the seed, you have a blessed day in Jesus name, amen.

00:15:08.176 --> 00:15:11.743
The Chaplain's Corner podcast come out every Monday morning.

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When you go to the Chaplain's Corner website, thechaplainscornernet, there will be a drop down menu from his website.

00:15:21.687 --> 00:15:30.908
If you would like to sign up for the chaplains corner newsletter, be assured that your information will never be sold or given out.

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Also, please note that all monies donated will be used strictly for the ministry.

00:15:37.606 --> 00:15:41.782
Thank you so much for listening to chaplain terry's podcast.

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The lord bless you and keep you.

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The lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious unto you.

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The lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace in jesus name, amen.

00:15:56.517 --> 00:16:24.605
Thank you.