Sept. 30, 2024

The Power and Vision in God's Creation

The Power and Vision in God's Creation

What if you could grasp the vastness of God's love and His eternal nature in just one podcast episode? Join us as we embark on a profound journey exploring the foundational scriptures from Genesis, reflecting on God's creation of humanity and the world. Together, we'll tackle the intriguing theological question of God's origin, affirming His eternal and uncreated essence. We'll also draw a stark contrast between the eternal and unconquerable nature of God's love and the teachings of other religious figures like Confucius and Buddha. Furthermore, we delve into the concept of reconciliation through Jesus Christ, emphasizing the spiritual harmony and new creation He brings as outlined in 2 Corinthians 5:17-19. Reflect on the vastness of God’s creation, from the universe's formation by faith to the awe-inspiring scale of the Milky Way galaxy, all showcasing God's immense power and vision.

Discover all you need to know about the Chaplain's Corner podcast and ministry. Learn about the features of our website, designed for easy navigation, and find out how you can stay connected by signing up for our newsletter while ensuring your information remains private. Hear about our commitment to using donations solely to support the ministry. As our episode concludes, be uplifted by a heartfelt blessing for all our listeners, asking for the Lord's grace, peace, and protection. Thank you for being a treasured part of our community and for tuning in to the Chaplain’s Corner podcast with Chaplain Terry Warner, where we explore the depths of God’s love and creation every Monday morning.

"He has shown you, O Man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?" (Micah 6:8)


00:25 - Exploring God's Love and Creation

19:33 - Chaplain's Corner Podcast and Ministry


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Hello, friend Chaplain Terry Warner here.

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This will be how Big Is God.

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It's S4E40, season 4, episode 40.

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And it will air on 9-30-24.

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Did I fail to mention that this is a podcast?

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We're going to have a good time today.

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This is pretty good and I want you to stay tuned to the end because I'm making some changes and I've got some very special announcements coming out.

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So let's get going.

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How big is God?

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So God created man in his own image.

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In the image of God.

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He created them, male and female.

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He created them.

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God blessed them and said to them Be fruitful and increase in number, fill the earth and subdue it.

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That's Genesis 1, 27 through 28.

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Your foundation scriptures which I forgot to mention because I got excited is Genesis 1, 1 through Genesis 2, 3.

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You've got to remember God created Adam and put him in the garden, put him in a garden and he prepared the garden for Adam and Adam was to take care of the garden and God's creation.

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Excuse me, adam did not know he was naked.

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He was clothed in the glory of God.

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Every need was met, every desire, everything was fine, everything was perfect.

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In the cool of the day, he walked and talked with god and got everything going and then, of course, we know the serpent came along.

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But before I get that way and go down that road, who created god?

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Stop and think that about a minute.

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If If God was created, then by definition and understanding, there would have to be a higher power than God to create him.

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But if God has always been God, then we enter into a stalemate that is unanswerable.

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So we just have to accept the fact by faith that god was, god is and will always be god.

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We accept by faith that the god is love and in doing so also agree that, in order to be loved, god, if god is not love, it cannot be eternal.

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Only love is rules and reigns and is unconquerable.

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All your other gods confucius, buddha and a few others that I don't have to mention, uh, are not eternal.

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They cannot be eternal.

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They come and go.

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We know where they're buried, we know where they are, we know where they'll be.

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God is in heaven and he's eternal.

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He is a spirit, and so if we want to relate to God, we've got to do it on his level.

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If we want to relate to God, we've got to do it on his level, which was the reason that he brought Jesus Christ into the world as himself, reconciling the world through Christ unto himself.

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I'll get you a verse and scripture here, maybe in a minute.

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But he was reconciling.

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Hang on a minute.

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Let me just pause this and go look this up.

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Okay, I looked it up 2 Corinthians 5, starting in verse 17.

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And I'm reading amplified because it makes it a little easier to understand.

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Therefore, if any person is engrafted in Christ the Messiah, he is a new creation, a new creature Altogether.

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The old, previous moral and spiritual condition has passed away.

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Behold, the fresh and new has come.

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But all things are from God who, through Jesus Christ, reconciled us to himself, received us into favor, brought us into harmony with himself and gave to us the ministry of reconciliation that by word and deed we might aim to bring others into harmony with him.

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It was God personally present in Christ, reconciling and restoring the world to favor with himself, not counting up and holding against men their trespasses, but canceling them and committing to us the message of reconciliation, of the restoration to favor.

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So you can see that God, the Father, is a spirit using Jesus Christ to reconcile the world unto himself.

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We are on balance books when it comes to God.

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I got to watch.

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I don't get sidetracked here, I get excited.

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So let me see where we are at.

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Whether we like it or not, a God of love is the only kind of a spiritual being that can never be defeated, changed or altered.

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God is love and love is God.

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If there was ever anything in God besides love, then God would cease to exist.

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Love is the only being that can meet the requirements of eternity.

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From the above discussion that I just went through, we can proceed to the next attribute of God, which is creation of our universe.

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In the beginning starts a seven-day record of forming the world by faith.

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Get ready, get ready, folks.

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This is just gonna just get to you.

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By faith, we understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen the trees, the ground, the grass, the cattle, the fish, everything you can see was not made Hang on a minute Lost.

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My place was not made out of what was visible.

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God created it by faith.

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Faith is the substance of things hoped for.

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He hoped for a world.

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He had a vision of a world.

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He had a vision of a man in his heart and he hoped that he brought that hope to pass by speaking words of faith.

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He brought that hope to pass.

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By speaking words of faith.

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The word has enough power in itself to do what it says it will do.

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Jesus says.

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They said you know, if you can, you can make me whole.

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And he said I can, I will Be thou made whole, be fruitful and multiply by faith.

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We understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.

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That's Hebrews 11.3.

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Starting with light B.

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Starting with light B, god set into motion the creation of our universe.

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Our Milky Way galaxy contains over 30 billion suns.

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A lot of these suns are larger than our sun, which is one and a half million times larger than the Earth.

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The Milky Way galaxy is shaped like a thin watch.

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Its diameter from rim to rim is 200,000 light years.

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One light year is equal to the distance that light travels at the rate of 186,000 miles per second In the first 24 hours, starting18 million and 80,000, or approximately 6 trillion miles.

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Did I also mention that the universe is still expanding at this rate?

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So the first day, we've got a lot of catching up to do if we're going to see where it started.

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There are at least 100,000 galaxies in the Milky Way, some of them millions of light years apart.

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All of this may only be a tiny speck in what is beyond the infinite reach of our space, only be a tiny speck in what is beyond the infinite reach of our space.

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My source is Halley's Bible Handbook 2000.

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So God created this planet, stars, galaxies, universes.

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Because God is love, and love, by its definition, requires reciprocity, exchanges.

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We love God, god loves us, god loved us.

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We love God.

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Reciprocity Sorry, folks, that's just tough.

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In other words, man, he is in the image and likeness of God and he is a spirit.

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God is a spirit.

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I do not look like God, thank goodness.

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Thank goodness you don't look like God either.

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Don't throw it all on me, but we're made in the image and likeness of God.

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What's that image?

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It's a spiritual image.

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So God wanted to come to earth and reconcile man unto himself.

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But if he came as a spirit, nobody would recognize him or could talk to him through your five senses of seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling see, hear, taste, smell and speech.

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I forget, hang on a minute, okay.

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Five physical senses touch, sight, hearing, taste, smell.

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You know, you think, sitting here recording this, that I could look that up or not, or quote that from just whatever's obvious.

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Well, you would think, but I guess that we'd be wrong if we did, okay.

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So god wanted to reconcile the earth and he made earth for man.

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Why did he do it?

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He wanted fellowship in somebody in his same class.

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When somebody comes down from Alaska and they come down into the United States, they don't want a fellowship with a dog, they want a fellowship with another man or another woman, or their wife, so to speak.

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So God created this planet, the stars, the galaxies, the universes.

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Because of love.

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He wanted to expand himself, not out of pride or boastfulness or anything.

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Out of love.

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We are a love creation.

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This world and planet is a love creation.

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You hard to tell, hard to tell that right now with the way people are acting and behaving.

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But that's not god's fault.

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He created us out of love.

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Adam he was deceived.

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Ate the fruit, turned and gave it to Adam.

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He was standing right there, he ate the fruit.

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And when they did, they lost that covering.

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They died.

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Now, they didn't die physically, they started dying physically, but they did not die physically.

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Totality, they wouldn't be there.

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Spiritual death does not mean you cease to exist.

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Spiritual death means that you are separated from God.

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It's God that puts that spirit man in you.

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When you sin and disobey him, as Adam did, and give it to the devil, he legally gave everything he had to the devil.

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If you look at Psalm 8, it's what his man did.

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You're mindful of him.

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And God the Father said that man was put in to rule this creation.

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Okay, now let's think a little bit.

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Look at what we.

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Sorry about that, I got tongue tied.

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So Jesus Christ came to earth through a virgin named Mary, and he entered this world as a man.

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He laid aside his kingly characteristics, his glory, laid it aside and came to earth.

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The reason he came to earth was to redeem mankind back from the devil, so that we would have fellowship in God's class with God the Father, one on one again, just like before the fall.

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And the reason?

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He came in a body.

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If he came in a spirit, we couldn't see him, we couldn't hear him.

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God would talk and we thought it thundered.

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God would have to make special provision and he could make himself heard to us.

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But at the same time we were incapable of crossing that bridge, crossing that gulf.

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So God sent his son, jesus Christ to be our redeemer, to redeem us, go to the cross for us.

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It is written in God's word that you were crucified with Christ, that you died and buried with Christ and also that you rose with Christ.

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Jesus did not need to do any of that.

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He did not need to be forgiven of sins or anything else.

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He who knew no sin was made to be sin so that we might be made the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.

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You're not an old sinner saved by grace.

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You were an old sinner.

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You got saved by grace and you were made the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.

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Now I got to admit in the flesh world, in the sense world, we don't act very righteous.

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But in the spirit world, the more you study and goes in, that spirit goes into our spirit and even down to purging our consciences of sin.

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I'm getting ahead of myself.

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So Jesus Christ came into this world, redeemed man and put him back to his estate or his standing before God in Christ Jesus, where man can stand before God as if he had never sinned and stands in complete honesty and we get to fellowship with God.

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We get to do the things Jesus did.

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We get to live and act like little messiahs.

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We're not sovereign, don't get me wrong, but we are born again not of corruptible seed, but incorruptible seed by the word of God.

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We'll pick this up a little later again and I'll take us a little deeper yet.

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You have a blessed day in Jesus' name, amen.

00:16:44.982 --> 00:16:45.894
I hope you're enjoying our podcast.

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Amen, I hope you're enjoying our podcast.

00:16:49.597 --> 00:17:05.962
We also write an article for the newspaper and I've been publishing articles and teaching tapes to India, pakistan, bangladesh, south Africa, slovakia and other parts of the world.

00:17:05.962 --> 00:17:08.096
The podcasts go out every Monday morning.

00:17:08.096 --> 00:17:22.323
I make little PowerPoint presentations for those people because they have to speak to an interpreter or I have to give them just a little bit of the word and then their pastor will interpret them and teach them and everything.

00:17:22.323 --> 00:17:28.799
You can't send money to buy Bibles for them because of so many scams and stuff going on.

00:17:28.799 --> 00:17:50.165
So the best way to do it is like with a powerpoint presentation or a podcast to where the pastor can interpret, and I have done a few whatsapp meetings where I teach a little bit and the pastor translates.

00:17:50.165 --> 00:17:58.517
The trouble with that is lining up everybody for the time, because when it's daytime here, it's nighttime there and there's a lot going on.

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And then in some countries I won't say which ones they have a lot of violence and stuff going on and they're persecuted.

00:18:06.142 --> 00:18:13.281
The pictures and stuff I get, the faces are covered so you can't identify them because of persecution and things like that.

00:18:14.551 --> 00:18:17.464
We really could use your support, but I never ask for money.

00:18:17.464 --> 00:18:18.971
I'm not going to start now.

00:18:18.971 --> 00:18:26.372
If you want to support us, just look on thechaplainscornernet and you'll see a donate page.

00:18:26.372 --> 00:18:30.201
100% of everything you do goes to the ministry.

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We don't keep anything for ourselves.

00:18:32.455 --> 00:18:36.597
We love you, we love these people we minister to.

00:18:36.597 --> 00:18:39.910
I have a really good time doing these podcasts.

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I hope it shows through the enthusiasm of a voice and the down-to-earth and just one-on-one talking.

00:18:49.517 --> 00:19:00.854
So, but I'd like to hear from you that that you're enjoying it or if you have suggestions, I sure would be open to reading your communication.

00:19:00.854 --> 00:19:04.921
Your name and stuff will never be sold or given out.

00:19:04.921 --> 00:19:08.675
That's nobody's business, but just between us.

00:19:08.675 --> 00:19:15.099
But if you need prayer requests or you need prayer, well, just feel free to fill out the form.

00:19:15.099 --> 00:19:17.417
I'm not putting you on any kind of list.

00:19:17.417 --> 00:19:25.311
I do a letter once a month, but there's a lot of times I'll miss a month if I don't have anything going on Well.

00:19:25.311 --> 00:19:31.482
You have a blessed day and thank you so much for listening to the podcast.

00:19:33.009 --> 00:19:38.579
Amen the chaplain's corner podcast come out every monday morning.

00:19:38.579 --> 00:19:48.519
When you go to the chaplain's corner website, the chaplain's cornernet, there will be a drop-down menu from his website.

00:19:48.519 --> 00:19:59.492
If you would like to sign up for the Chaplain's Corner newsletter, be assured that your information will never be sold or given out.

00:19:59.492 --> 00:20:04.423
Also, please note that all monies donated will be used strictly for the ministry.

00:20:04.423 --> 00:20:09.823
Thank you so much for listening to Chaplain terry's podcast.

00:20:09.823 --> 00:20:11.191
The lord bless you and keep you.

00:20:11.191 --> 00:20:16.000
The lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious unto you.

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The lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace in jesus name, amen, thank you.