Aug. 26, 2024

The Power of Daily Bible Reading and Community Support

The Power of Daily Bible Reading and Community Support

Ever wondered how to build a resilient spirit in these challenging times? Join us as Chaplain Terry Warner illuminates the path to spiritual strength through the transformative power of scripture. Anchored in the teachings of 2 Timothy 3:1-17, we dive into the escalating pressures of today's world and explore how to emerge as overcomers by deeply rooting ourselves in God's word. Learn about the significance of adopting a daily Bible reading plan that spans from Genesis to Revelation, and understand why it’s essential to cut out distractions like TV, news, and social media to foster spiritual growth. Chaplain Warner also shares invaluable insights on the principles of sowing and reaping, emphasizing the power of giving, forgiving, and encouraging to reap everlasting life.

But that’s not all—our conversation also delves into the crucial role of faith and love in ministry. Discover how your accomplishments are driven by faith and the importance of supporting and uplifting one another within the community. We also assure our listeners of the privacy of their personal information and that donations are solely for the ministry's benefit. As we conclude, Chaplain Warner extends a heartfelt blessing of peace and grace in Jesus' name. Don’t miss these profound insights and make sure to tune in every Monday morning for more episodes from The Chaplain's Corner podcast.

"He has shown you, O Man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?" (Micah 6:8)


00:25 - Building a Strong Spirit Through Scripture

10:03 - Empowering Faith in Ministry


00:00:25.515 --> 00:00:27.917
Hello friend Chaplain Terry Warner here.

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This podcast will be 7 Steps to Building a Strong Spirit.

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It's part 1.

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It is S4E35 on the number and it will air August 26, 2024.

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And it will air August 26, 2024.

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Your foundation scripture is 2 Timothy 3, verses 1-17.

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No matter where you live in this world, troubles are increasing fast and every day brings new problems and situations.

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We are surrounded by pressure from circumstances both directly and indirectly.

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However, jesus said we are supposed to overcome, be overcomers, joyful preaching, teaching, healing, living debt-free and having all of our needs met.

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You say man.

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That's great, terry.

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How Well.

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Proverbs 18, 14 says the strong spirit of a man sustains him in bodily pain or trouble, but a weak and broken spirit who can raise up a bear?

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That's the Amplified.

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A strong spirit can get you through anything.

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Keith Moore said that through anything.

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Keith Moore said that your first and most important step in getting or building a strong spirit is to read God's word.

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Get God's word in your heart.

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Get God's word inside you.

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Find out who you are in Christ, in him, in whom.

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Find out what God thinks about you.

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In him, in whom, find out what God thinks about you.

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Did you know you're loved with an everlasting love?

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Did you know that you're more than a conqueror through Jesus Christ?

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Did you know you've been made the head and not the tail?

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Did you know that you can lend and not borrow?

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Did you know that you can live and walk in divine health and prosperity?

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Did you know that everything you set your hand to do prospers?

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Well, chaplain Terry, that sounds great, but how, how?

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Well, let's look at the first primary step that you need to do.

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Satan had just finished tempting Jesus in the garden, not in the garden in the wilderness, and he said Jesus said the garden, not in the garden in the wilderness.

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And he said Jesus said to Satan it has been written man shall not live and be upheld and sustained by bread alone, or man's words, in other words, but by every word that comes forth from the mouth of God.

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Matthew 4.4, amplified, and Deuteronomy 8.3.

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The bread that the Israelites got in the desert, in the desert of sin, the wilderness of sin, was a bread that they ate, but it was also the bread of the words of God, the Father and Jesus that sustained them 40 years.

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Their feet didn't swell, their shoes didn't wear out and their clothes didn't wear out.

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Well, it can be the same for us the words.

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The words that we speak speak the words of God, because that's what's going to determine your life, your lifestyle and your rating in life.

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I suggest you read a minimum of a chapter a day, or better yet.

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I recommend that you read or eat God's Word all day long.

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That would mean that you need to start a daily reading program where you can read the entire Bible.

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I'm saying Genesis to Revelation.

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In one year, plan your day around the Bible reading instead of trying to make room for the Bible.

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The Bible reading instead of trying to make room for the Bible.

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If you will send me an email, I will send you several websites that you can listen to or follow to help you out with this.

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Be not deceived.

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God is not mocked.

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For whatsoever man sows, that shall he also reap.

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For he that sows to his flesh in other words, you're hearing, you're seeing, you're tasting, you're touching and smelling will reap corruption.

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In other words, if you sow to the flesh, you're going to reap corruption.

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That's because the flesh is corrupt, but if you sow to the Spirit the Spirit of God is not corrupt You'll reap everlasting life Galatians 6, 7, and 8.

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That's where you'll find that.

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So be not dismayed or be not troubled.

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God's not mocked.

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Whatever you sow, you're going to reap.

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We have a way of saying whatever goes around comes around.

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Be an attitude of a giver, be an attitude of a forgiver, be an attitude of an encourager.

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The next thing that I would do is I'd turn off the distractions.

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Turn off the television, the news, the sports, the social media and anything that distracts you from walking with Jesus.

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Clean up your mouth.

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Profanity is bad, but spouting God's word incorrectly or speaking errors for him is just as bad.

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Let God's word fight your battles for you.

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You were given the earth to control and oversee.

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That ought to keep you busy doing what God wants done instead of what you want done.

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It's okay to have hobbies.

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It's okay to have fun.

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It's okay to do things.

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God gets pleasure out of giving you gifts, but you know he's not going to give you anything, as all you ever do is take.

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There's two things you can't do you can't out-give God and God can't out-give a taker.

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I mean, it just doesn't work that way.

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You'll reap what you sow, whatever you sow.

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If you sow kindness, you'll reap kindness.

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If you sow wisdom, you'll reap wisdom.

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If you sow hard labor.

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It says in all labor there is profit.

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If you'll sow your labor and plant it as a seed, your labor will pay you back and you'll make a profit.

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Turn off and take authority over anything that interrupts your fellowship with Jesus.

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Is this first step that important?

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Yes, it is.

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Otherwise, the devil is going to continue to keep you broke, sick and defeated.

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Don't complain that you don't have this or you don't have that.

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Well, I can't do this or I can't do that.

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God's trying to teach me something.

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Oh for crying out loud folks.

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God doesn't need to teach you anything, but you need to learn from God and he'll teach you what things are good.

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He won't teach you bad things.

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He's not going to make you sick trying to teach you something.

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You're not going to have to carry this sickness around.

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Nowhere did he ever say you're going to have to hold on to that sickness, son, till you get another revelation of me, and then you'll really go well.

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I've just got Paul's thorn in the flesh.

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Really, paul's thorn in the flesh was the worry and care and concern of the churches, and the Bible says that his grace was sufficient.

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His grace was sufficient to handle that.

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What did Paul do?

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He rolled the care of the situation of the churches over on to Jesus and that took care of that.

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Did Paul have to do that several times?

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Sure, he did.

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It's always in his mind.

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I have thoughts and images from my time in Vietnam that I'd like to get rid of, and I can to a point, but then the devil brings them back up again, usually when I'm tired or give out or exasperated with something or somebody's done me wrong.

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Then I get all upset and everything else.

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This podcast is coming up on three years old.

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We have gone from just a few listeners to it to podcasting now over in Pakistan, india, bangladesh, south Africa, not to mention Europe, asia, north and Central North America, africa, china, oceania.

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Just it's unreal how many thousand people we reach, and I give the glory to Jesus Christ.

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He's the one that got me the idea to doing it and I enjoy it so much.

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What I'm saying is, if you would like to give to this podcast not to me, I don't use any of the money.

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We're buying Bibles for people over in Pakistan and I have found a dealer or a Bible store over in Pakistan and they've given away over 100,000 Bibles, so they have a pretty good track record.

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I send them money, they buy the Bibles and then if the church or group meets their specifications, they have to have it be a denomination, they have to be an organized church.

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They don't go into homes or anybody because there's so many scams and stuff going around.

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But if you'd like to give into this ministry for that, we'd really appreciate it and we really would thank you for it.

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But anyway, it's totally up to you.

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We don't ask for money, we don't beg for money, we don't advertise for money, and I have a donate page and that's about it, and the rest of the stuff is going to stay off.

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If this doesn't work, it won't be because God didn't fund it or did fund it.

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It will be working because we did it by faith.

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We love these people, we love you and we want to see you succeed and be on top of things.

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Well, I've rammed it on good enough, long enough.

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You have a blessed day In Jesus' name, amen.

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The Chaplain's Corner podcast come out every Monday morning.

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In Jesus' name, amen.

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To sign up for the chaplain's corner newsletter, be assured that your information will never be sold or given out.

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Also, please note that all monies donated will be used strictly for the ministry.

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Thank you so much for listening to chaplain terry's podcast.

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The lord bless you and keep you.

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The lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious unto you.

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The lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace in jesus name, amen.

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Thank you.