Adam and Eve's Sin Seperated Us From God, Hisi Love, and His Protection.
Find out how to overcome evil and become a "Child of God" and live above the evil in this world.
God Is Not Your Problem, God Is Your Redeemer and Saviour.
Outline of Podcast Notes:
Podcast Notes (S3E23)
The Problem Is Inside
For 6/5/2023
1) Foundation Scriptures:
a) Genesis Chapters 1-3
b) Psalm 8 all verses but especially verses 4-8
2) Man, even Christians, are still relinquishing their authority in the Earth to Satan.
a) However, God is still the ultimate authority. (Matthew 24:35)
b) Man though, has relinquished his authority and continue to do so by deliberate acts or through ignorance.
3) God created the Earth and Heavens and gave Man authority over his creation.
a) Eve, was deceived by Satan, and ate the forbidden fruit, then turned and gave some of it to Adam who was standing beside her.
b) Adam was not deceived and ate the forbidden fruit of his own free will.
4) When that happened, all of God’s creation fell under the dominion of Satan from the throne of God, but not God, on down through the starry heaven, earth, and the under the earth.
5) Also, when they ate the fruit, they died. Not physically but Spiritually. (Genesis 2:17)
a) This made it difficult for God to communicate with Adam and Eve, and made it extremely difficult for Adam and Eve to communicate and have fellowship with God.
b) God is a living Spirit and since Adam and Eve had become Spiritually dead, they were not able to communicate with God. (Matthew 24:35 and Matthew 4:4)
6) So God made them some clothes, and then set up a system of sacrifices and laws, so the could cover their sins until God could get conditions and circumstances to where He could redeem Man and His Creation, and would reestablish Man’s original authority.
7) God could not revive Man’s Spirit that was not alive. If He did, then Man would be living with Himself and in an unclean or dead state walking on the Earth and incapable of being in the presence of a Holy God.
8) The earthly Man, who was dead in his Spirit, could and would not have or be allowed to be in the presence of a Holy God. (Who was a live Spirit) (John 4:24)
9) This required a change, or a new Spirit, to be born again. Not refurbish or rebuild Man’s old Spirt, but a Brand New Never before existing Spirit and would thus have no connection to the old sinful ways and laws.
a) Side Note – God’s law in the old testament was perfect but Man in His fallen and spiritually dead state was incapable of following God’s law.
b) Therefore, God in His wisdom, knew this and set all of this up until His Son, who was God, could come and redeem His creation, which included Man, and restore all things back to their original state. (Hebrews 1, John 1:1-4)
10) So, God sent His Son, as the final and ultimate Sacrifice, once and for all so that our “Spirit Man” could be created and restore us back to our original state of living and fellowshipping with God eternally. (John 1:12)
a) So, accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savoir today and start living in victory.
b) Repeat this prayer: “Dear Jesus, I know I am a sinner and ask you to forgive me and come into my heart. Thank you and now I make you Lord of my Life. In Jesus name, Amen. “
c) His Word (Jesus) will show you how and He has written down your instructions in
"The Flowers You Are Picking Today Are From The Seeds (Words) You Planted Yesterday." Chaplain Terry Warner