July 22, 2024

The Transformative Power of Faith-Filled Speech: Insights from Chaplain Terry

The Transformative Power of Faith-Filled Speech: Insights from Chaplain Terry

Can your words shape your reality? Discover the profound power of spoken words and their transformative impact on faith and miracles in our latest episode with Chaplain Terry. Explore captivating biblical examples where Jesus' spoken words healed the sick and calmed storms, illustrating the necessity of faith-filled speech. Drawing from key scriptures like Romans 10:9-10 and Mark 11:23, we'll uncover how belief in the heart and confession with the mouth are essential to experiencing divine interventions. Chaplain Terry offers a compelling reminder of the significance of our words in manifesting our needs and desires, urging us to speak positively and faithfully to unlock God's blessings.

Why do so many modern believers feel disconnected from the divine power described in Acts 4:31? Dive into the second chapter, where Chaplain Terry addresses this pressing question and highlights the importance of being part of a vibrant, faith-filled church community. Learn practical insights on revitalizing your prayer life and fostering a positive environment that nurtures belief and spiritual growth. This episode also emphasizes living in harmony with God and Jesus Christ to transform individual lives and, ultimately, our nation. For those seeking to turn their church into an active, faith-restoring community, this discussion is a must-listen. Don't forget to visit the Chaplain's Corner website for additional resources and to sign up for the newsletter.

"He has shown you, O Man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?" (Micah 6:8)


00:03 - Power of Spoken Words

10:01 - Reviving the Power of Prayer


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Music, music, music, music, music, music, music, music.

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Hello friends, and welcome to thechaplainscornernet.

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I have some new updates to tell you.

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When you visit Chaplain Terry's website, thechaplainscornernet, a drop-down menu will appear and you can sign up for his newsletter.

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Your communication with him will always be private and your information will never be shared.

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Starting at the beginning of the podcast, he will give you the season number and the episode number.

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Thank you for listening.

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Chaplain terry's podcast come out every monday morning.

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Please share or follow thechaplainscornernet and thank you so much for listening.

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Also, the Chaplain's Corner Inc is now a 501c3.

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And any donations are tax deductible.

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And now the podcast.

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Hello friend Chaplain Terry Warner here.

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This is Earthquake is the title Season 4, episode 30.

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It will air this coming Monday, july the 22nd 2024.

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It's from the your foundation scriptures are from a pamphlet by Don Gossett who has passed away, gone to heaven, but it's nothing happens until you speak it.

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So let's get going.

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We have a lot of scripture.

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There are 38 different miracles performed by Jesus recorded in the four Gospels.

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All but six of these miracles were the result of what Jesus spoke.

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Nothing had happened until he spoke it.

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This is the way the faith system works.

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If you confess the Lordship of Christ, believing wholeheartedly God's plan of salvation, like in Romans 10, 9 and 10, then you shall have what you say.

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Mark 11, 23.

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What we really believe in our hearts is spoken through our lips.

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Jesus said Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.

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Matthew 12 to 34.

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You will notice nothing happens until you speak salvation, healing, deliverance, provision, even as Jesus spoke into existence his awesome miracles.

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So you can speak into existence what you need.

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This world was spoken into existence.

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Excuse me, we also believe.

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Therefore, do we speak?

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2 Corinthians 4.13.

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He satisfies our mouth with good things so that my youth is renewed like the eagles, psalm 103.5.

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Here it is.

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Keep your mouth filled with the word and the blessings of God.

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He will renew your youth.

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Praise the Lord.

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Speak the word concerning your needs.

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Nothing happens until you speak it.

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The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth and in thy heart.

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That is the word of faith which we preach.

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Romans 10.8.

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Here is how God works.

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He is the creator by words.

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You too can speak words and possibilities into existence.

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Nothing happens until you speak it.

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Considering the following 24 miracles of Jesus all were spoken by his word.

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Turning the water into wine John 2, 1-11.

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He said fill the water pots with water.

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The nobleman's son was healed.

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John 4, 46-54.

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Go thy way, your son lives.

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The great catcher fish, luke 5, verses 4-9,.

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Let down your nets.

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Delivering the demon possessed.

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Luke 4, 33-37,.

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Come out of him through.

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Come out of him.

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Healing Peter's mother-in-law.

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Luke 4, 38 and 39,.

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He rebuked the fever.

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Healing the leper.

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Matthew 8, verses 2 and 3,.

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I will be thou clean.

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The leper said if you will, you can make me clean.

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He said I will.

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That ought to answer your question right there about does God heal today.

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Does God want to heal today?

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He said I will.

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Yes, sickness is under the curse of the law.

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It's a poverty, it's under the curse of the law.

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Sin, sickness, disease is all the curse brought forth by the devil and his evil one.

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Healing the paralytic Mark 2, 3-8.

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Arise, take up your bed and walk.

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Healing the man at Bethsaida, bethesda.

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John 5, 2-9.

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Arise, take up your bed and walk.

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Healing the withered hand Matthew 12, 9-13.

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Stretch forth your hand.

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Healing the centurion's servant Matthew 8, 5-13.

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Speak the word only.

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Raising the widow's dead son Luke 7, 12-16.

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Young man, I say unto you, arise, casting out demons.

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Matthew 8, 28-34.

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Go, huh, you like that?

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Calm in the sea.

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Mark 4, 37 through verse 41.

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Mark 4, 37 through 41.

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Peace be still.

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Healing the hemorrhaging woman Mark 5, 25 through 34.

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Behold of thy plague.

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Raising up Jairus' daughter from the dead Luke 8, 49-56.

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Made arise.

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Healing blind men Matthew 9, 29.

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According to your faith, be it unto you.

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Delivering girl of unclean spirit Mark 7, 29.

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The devil has gone out of her.

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Healing the deaf and dumb man Mark 7, 32-37.

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Be open.

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Delivering the demon-possessed son Matthew 17, 14-21.

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Jesus rebuked the devil.

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The devil.

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Raising Lazarus John 9, 11-46,.

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Lazarus, come forth.

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Cursing the fig tree Mark 11, 12-14,.

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Mark 20-11, verses 20-23,.

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No man eat fruit of you.

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Forever Releasing the woman from the spirit of infirmity.

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Luke 13, 11-17.

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Thou art loosed, healing Bartimaeus.

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Bartimaeus was blind.

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Mark 10, 46-52.

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Your faith has made you whole, bartimaeus, healing the leper.

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Luke 17, 19.

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Arise, go thy way.

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Thy faith has made thee whole.

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If you want anything done in this world, you have to speak it.

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That's how it gets done.

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You call things that be not as though they were Well Chaplain.

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Terry, if I said I was healed and it's obvious I'm not then I'm lying.

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No, you're not.

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The Word of God says you're healed.

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Your body may not know it yet, but your body may need some time to catch up.

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It will.

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It will Just be patient and keep speaking the Word.

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Let the weak say I am strong.

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Let the poor say I am rich.

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Come now, let us reason together.

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Saith the Lord, though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be white as snow.

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Though they be red like crimson, they shall be white as snow.

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I didn't quote that exactly.

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That's Isaiah.

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You want to go look it up?

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You get the idea.

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God put your sins as far as the east is from the west.

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He casts them behind his back.

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He puts them in the sea of forgetfulness.

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He remembers your sins no more.

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When you repent of your sins and give your heart to Jesus Christ, your sins past, present, future come under the blood of Christ and are conquered and done away with, and God remembers them no more.

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If you come up an hour later and say, boy, I'm so unworthy, I'm so sorry I'm so, I'm this and I'm that, and I'm poor and I'm broke, and I'm deaf and blind and dumb, the Lord doesn't know what you're talking about.

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You were forgiven and cleansed and made whole the minute you confessed that prayer to Jesus Christ, confessed that prayer to the Father, god, your Father.

00:10:01.490 --> 00:10:07.249
In Acts 4.31, I titled this podcast Earthquake In Acts 4.31,.

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After they had prayed, the ground was shaken.

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Why don't we see the shaking today?

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Why don't we see the power today?

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Why don't we see the power today?

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Friend, we do.

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You're hanging out with the wrong crowd.

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You're hanging in a dead church.

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You're hanging in a church that is not teaching the word.

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You're hanging in a group of people that speak unbelief and cursing and poverty and sickness and sin and disease and you're wondering why God's not blessing you.

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I'm not telling you're wondering why god's not blessing you.

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I'm not telling you to change church.

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I'm telling you to get to praying and pray your church into an active, sin forgiving, christian restoring, born again, believing church that puts a light into this community and a light into this nation.

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We are going down the tubes at the rate we are going and finally, after certain conditions and circumstances drastic that came to pass, we finally are starting to see a turnaround and turn this nation back to God.

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Quit arguing, quit fighting, quit griping, quit complaining, quit getting into strife with everything.

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Griping, quit complaining, quit getting into strife with everything.

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Live your life in harmony and love with God and Jesus Christ.

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You have a blessed day In Jesus' name, amen.

00:11:26.066 --> 00:11:29.634
The Chaplain's Corner podcast come out every Monday morning.

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When you go to the chaplain's corner website, the chaplain's corner dot net, there will be a drop down menu from his website.

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If you would like to sign up for the chaplain's corner newsletter, be assured that your information will never be sold or given out.

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Also, please note that all monies donated will be used strictly for the ministry.

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Thank you so much for listening to chaplain terry's podcast.

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The lord bless you and keep you.

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The lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious unto you.

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The lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace In Jesus' name, amen.

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Thank you.