Sept. 16, 2024

The Urgency of Upholding Traditional Ethics

The Urgency of Upholding Traditional Ethics

What happens when a society abandons its foundational values? Chaplain Terry Warner dives into the heart of this question, drawing on his personal childhood experiences and a deep sense of urgency. This episode passionately addresses the erosion of moral and spiritual values in today's world. From the controversial topics of abortion and the defunding of the police to the complexities surrounding gender identity, Chaplain Warner examines how these issues signify a broader departure from Judeo-Christian principles. He stresses the importance of accountability and the restoration of traditional values to safeguard our nation's integrity and prosperity.

Every Monday morning, join us for new episodes of The Chaplain's Corner podcast, where you'll find spiritual guidance and thought-provoking discussions. Visit our website at thechaplainscornernet to access the latest episodes, sign up for our newsletter, and discover how your donations support our ministry. Each episode concludes with a heartfelt blessing, asking for the Lord's favor, grace, and peace upon you. Thank you for being a part of our community and for seeking deeper understanding with us. Amen.

"He has shown you, O Man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?" (Micah 6:8)


00:25 - Call to Restore America to God

11:02 - Chaplain's Corner Podcast Information


00:00:25.836 --> 00:00:27.957
Hello, friend Chaplain Terry Warner here.

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This will be Season 4, episode 38,.

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I have had Enough.

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Your foundation scripture is Luke 21, verse 28.

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I can remember when I was young and finally reached the point in my life to where I had pushed my mom too far.

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She would get, let out a big sigh and say young man, I've had enough, Go to your room, go outside or go somewhere, but just get out of my sight.

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When your dad gets home, I will tell him what you have done and he will handle this.

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That would mean that the best place, or what was going to happen, not the best place.

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That would mean the belt would come off, snap loudly several times and before I would receive a whipping.

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When the whipping was over, he would hug me and say something like you know what you did was wrong and you still went ahead and misbehaved.

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Right now I'm disappointed in you, but you are my son and I love you.

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Now go and learn from your bad decisions.

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I tell you how I wish we could whip and thrash our elected officials, our politicians and our non-elected officials and get this country back to God.

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We have murdered over 50 million innocent babies that now have no voice.

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How many Einsteins, inventors, newtons, isaac Newtons and scientists that could have saved this planet, made it a lot better place.

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Get this country back to God.

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We have printed money and broken God's rules for trade and commerce that would have given us the capacity to feed and clothe poor countries.

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God designed this world for man and he made it for man and it doesn't have much sense if man's not here to run it and operate it and control it.

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We have printed money and broken God's rule for trade and commerce that would have given us the capacity to feed and clothe poor countries.

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Abortion can be traced back to Baal and Moloch and other evil gods.

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We have ancient kings passing their children through the fire so that the king could win a war or do some other kind of evil scheme.

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That the king could win a war or do some other kind of evil scheme.

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In a large city the other day, illegal gang members overran an apartment complex.

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Now another state, after over 600 calls to the police within a two-year span, decided to shut the apartment complex down.

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I remember the crowd shouting for the defunding of the police.

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Now I remember the crowd shouting for the defunding of the police.

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Another city overran by illegal gang members in a different culture.

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The gang members came from a different culture has had a significant decrease in cats and dogs.

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That's right.

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The domesticated cats and dogs because of their culture and they use them have depreciated and disappeared.

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Another city that I'm thinking about shot up, the police cars burned the police cars Detroit, chicago, new York City, a lot of cities out in California are not even human compatible.

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Now there's got to be a gang or an outlaw.

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I remember crowds shouting for the defunding of the police.

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I said that, but I want to repeat it.

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My question is to you how much more are you willing to take?

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Are you content to let your children and grandchildren mutilate their bodies?

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All these different genders?

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Do you know that once you change your gender or try to manipulate your gender, that you have to take medicine and precautions the rest of your life?

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It's not a one time and done.

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It is a major undertaking because your body keeps trying to go back to its original gender.

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There are two genders, male and female.

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Deal with it and let's time we call these scientists out and these doctors out who are trying to do this kind of stuff.

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We do not practice on human beings.

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We do not do things like that to human beings and we try to sell parts and baby parts and everything else, all because of money and evil.

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The devil has taken over this world, or has largely had a lot bigger influence, a much larger influence, and trying to ram things through that are just plain wrong.

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Your children and your grandchildren are being subjected to school.

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They're not being educated, they're being indoctrinated, and I'm not speaking against the teachers, I'm speaking against the educational system and that kind of stuff.

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And it's all done and it's added in.

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It's added in the textbook, it's added in the maps, it's added in the uh papers, it's added in everything else.

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Tearing down statues that doesn't change history now.

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All that does is tear up something and do away with things where we could have learned from and and embrace our history, good and bad.

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Are you willing to let us print so much money that the country goes bankrupt?

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Are you willing to let our doctors who look after our president to lie and tell our president is in, tell us our president is in good health, when anyone can see the truth of his health condition?

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Sadder yet is that our citizens have a let it go, get so out of hand that we stand a pretty good chance of collapsing into a third world dictatorship ruled country.

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In October, they're bringing back up this digital currency again.

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Digital currency.

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If you have digital currency, your freedoms are gone.

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It's just that simple.

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We don't need solar energy, we don't need wind energy.

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Are they nice and are they convenient?

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And do they help?

00:07:11.401 --> 00:07:15.559
Sure, but they have their place and they have their limitations.

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We have oil, and what are we doing to the oil?

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Shutting down our supplies and buying oil from our third world countries?

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That are our enemies.

00:07:26.512 --> 00:07:32.017
When you know who was president, we didn't have this.

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We had low unemployment, we had low prices, we had low gas prices, we had great energy, we had good trade, we had good respect.

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And now that this left-wing agenda's gotten in here, we've got a mess and we're about to get ourselves in a world of hurt.

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If we don't sit up and straighten up and fly right, get ourselves back to God.

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Israel and America are the hope for the world.

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Because they're based on Judeo-Christian fundamentals and principles.

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And if we don't get back to that, if my people who are called by my name, that's us don't repent and turn I butchered the quote.

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We need to repent and get honest before God and ask him to forgive us and turn our hearts and minds toward Jesus Christ, our Lord and our Savior.

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Our military is at a terrible disadvantage.

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I was told the other day that we have we're short like 25 ships.

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We have no aircraft carrier in the China Sea.

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Over there, where China is expanding, we're sending them over to the Middle East.

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The nations are gathering around to bring war on Israel, and if we don't get some common sense and don't get back to God, we're going to be in a world of hurt.

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All of this is my opinion.

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All of this I take responsibility for that.

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I say, and if you don't want to help, fine, I don't care.

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I do care, however, though, that we save this country, that we get this nation back to God, and I'm going to do everything in my power to promote good, to believe in God, to please Him and set my patriotism back to the United States of America.

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This is the home of the brave, the land of the free I should say the land of the free and home of the brave.

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The land of the free, I should say the land free and home of the brave.

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The next thing I'm going to do is ask god to help defeat this evil in the world by standing, sending us godly men who will turn this world upside down again.

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Act 17 6 and get us back to serving a loving and compassionate God.

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Jesus is Lord.

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He loves you.

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He's waiting for you to turn and repent Now.

00:09:57.052 --> 00:09:58.293
Come on America.

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Come on men, come on women, come on younger children.

00:10:05.364 --> 00:10:19.500
Get to doing what's right and what's wholesome and what's good, and let's wholesome and what's good and let's get this country back on track to a saving knowledge and a growing and peaceful world.

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In Jesus' name, amen.

00:10:22.520 --> 00:10:27.395
I better get a disclaimer on this before I get in trouble.

00:10:27.395 --> 00:10:37.715
I do not condone violence or any kind of detrimental hurting things or violence or fighting or anything else.

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I mean we do things legally, we do things orderly and we do things by our laws, but the fact of the matter is we quit ignoring them and quit sitting on our dust and do things like we should and we bring this nation back to God Again.

00:10:55.966 --> 00:11:00.433
You have a blessed day In Jesus' name, amen.

00:11:02.126 --> 00:11:05.698
The Chaplain's Corner podcast come out every Monday morning.

00:11:05.698 --> 00:11:11.551
Come out every Monday morning when you go to the Chaplain's Corner website, thechaplainscornernet.

00:11:11.551 --> 00:11:15.591
There will be a drop-down menu from his website.

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If you would like to sign up for the Chaplain's Corner newsletter, be assured that your information will never be sold or given out.

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Also, please note that all monies donated will be used strictly for the ministry.

00:11:31.445 --> 00:11:35.714
Thank you so much for listening to chaplain terry's podcast.

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The lord bless you and keep you.

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The lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious unto you.

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The lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace In Jesus' name, amen.

00:11:50.466 --> 00:12:17.876
Thank you.