Jan. 23, 2023

What Is Faith? Part 2

What Is Faith? Part 2
Chaplain Terry Warner:

Hello, friend, and welcome to The Chaplains I am interrupting the music for a few moments so you can grab a pen and some paper for your foundation Scriptures. If you can't get to a computer because you are driving or at work, when you can get online, you will find my podcast and Starting at the beginning of the podcast, I will give you the season number and the episode number. Thank you for listening. My podcast come out every Monday morning. Please like or follow me, and thank you so much for listening. A little more music while I get. Hello, Friend, Chaplain Terry Warner here. This will be season three, episode four. What is faith Part 2. and it'll be airing on January 23rd, 2023. We discussed in part one, that faith, you cannot see it. It's a substance, but you cannot see it. You can see the results of it, but you can't actually see the faith. Now, Jesus was able to see the. but, uh, it is really difficult to see until you get into this for a while. But we have, I have what I call the eye of faith. And the eye of faith, uh, will let me see things by faith that you won't see things naturally. Uh, I'll give you an example. I used to have hay fever really, really bad, and I couldn't even mow the yard without winding up, just wheezing and coughing and sneezing and eyes watering. And I decided one time then to stand on the word being healed and being healed. A hay fever where I could mow the yard and stuff because we just didn't have the kids around, or Arlene around or anybody else to mow it and didn't wanna pay to have him. So I decided I'd stand on faith and I got out there and I mowed the yard and I, I really, the devil just attacked me. I wheezed and cough and everything else. Thought I was going to expire, but I didn't. And when I finished and everything was done, I was still standing and the hay fever and stuff. Was gone and you say, well, I didn't have it that bad. Well, I had it pretty bad. And so I used that more in the yard as a point of contact to meet faith and to meet, uh, the hay fever with faith and conquer it that way. And I did that. I've done a lot of that, that way with my healing. But even I have to take time to build up and get myself built up to where I can stand by. I can't just flippantly say I'm gonna stand by faith. It's like just flippantly say, I'm gonna go on a diet. Well, you might go on a diet and you might not, but if you get on your knees and you ask the Lord, Lord, I want to go on a diet to lose weight and I promise not to cheat, I'm gonna do my best to be on a diet and I need your help to see me through it, and I'm going to do this. No matter what happens, I'm going to stay on the diet. No matter what happens, I'm not going to. I'm gonna stay on this diet until I lose this weight, and then I'm gonna have changed my lifestyle to the point that I keep the weight off. My body's the temple of the Holy Spirit, and I'm gonna act like a temple. I'm not a cathedral, and I know it takes a lot of effort and time and dedication to do that, but I'm willing to give it. I'm willing to do it in Jesus' name. Then you can stand on that diet. You can stand on it, and you can get that, and you'll get the upper hand on it. Well, brother Terry, what if I don't do it? What if I don't? then you read together and do it again, and you keep trying and you keep trying and you keep trying. And one of these days, It won't be that far off, but one of these times when you stand on it, you'll stand on it and you'll come out victorious. I've lost now. I have lost the weight and got it all off and got everything fixed, and then relaxed what I was doing and quit my praying and quit my fellowship and with the Lord and got back to eating, sloping, keeping my diet rules. and thereby God, I gained the weight back again, and so I'm back to square one, having to lose weight again. I finally have learned to keep the weight off through diet and exercise like I'm supposed to and watch my mouth. I mean, your problems are because of your mouth that out of the abundance of the heart, your mouth speaks out of the abundance of your heart. The mouth speaks. So what's ever in there? It might be all the food commercials from tv, it might be some kind of TV program or some kind of doctor show or something. You're never gonna get above that confession that comes outta your mouth. You, you've gotta get above that. You've gotta rise above that and let your confession be what the Bible says. Let your confession be what the word says. Let your confession be Jesus speaking through. When you speak the word to Jesus, you'll get the same results Jesus got because it's not up to you mentally. It's not up to you physically. It's up to the word of God being productive. And when the word of God is spoken out in faith, then the power, and then it comes to pass. Another uh, problem we have is we compare ourselves to. Well, I look at so-and-so and they do this and they do that, and they got this big A ministry and I. not, not that big of a ministry, and I got this and they've got that. Do not compare yourself to others. Everyone was given the same measure of faith. That measure of faith will work just as good as if God the father was doing it. but it does take time and effort and discipline to cultivate it and get that faith to grow. Acting on the word faith without works is dead. Heal. People should act, heal. Let the redeemed of the Lord say so. Psalm 1 0 7, 2, have you been redeemed? Redeemed? Say. unbelief is siding against God's word. Satan will challenge your real faith and he'll say, look, look over here. Look over here. And you just, I say, no, I don't have to. Look, I'm healed. I'm healed in the name of Jesus. I can go look in the mirror and Satan, and it won't matter what I look like. I'm confessing, I'm healed. My body will catch up to it here. Sooner or later, I'll take it one way or another, but I'm not giving. get busy and act on God's word now. Don't wait for something to come. Don't say, well, tomorrow I'm gonna go on a diet. Just wait. If you wanna wait till tomorrow, wait till tomorrow and go on the diet. But tomorrow, don't say, well, I was, I'll go on a diet tomorrow. You'll never get it done. Faith acts, now I'm healed. When Jesus was raised from the dead and made the righteousness of God and went back in and and sanctified the holy holies and sat down on the right hand of God, your redemption, your plan, your promises, and everything else was set in concrete, so to speak, and his word works that you can have your healing, healing. is yours, but you've got to take hold and grab it and claim it and not let it go. Don't know where to start. Huh? Start here. Psalm 22, 3. Jesus, while being rejected and made sin on the cross, said he would still believe that God loved him and knew God would redeem him and he. job said, even though he slay me, I will trust him. God is for you. Oh, get that in your heart. God is for you. He wants to see you, uh, succeed and be live and walk in divine health and prosperity. He wants to see everything you do, set your hand to do prosperous. He wants to see you more than a conquer, not just a conqueror, more than a conqueror. He wants to live and move and have his. Through your being. You are the voice of Jesus Christ on this earth right now. That's how it gets out. Luke five 18. They, that's, this is the story where the men let down the man on the mat through the roof, and Jesus saw their faith. What did he, what? What did he see? He saw their actions. Faith is, will make you do actions. It's, it's an action word. He saw their. And then what did he say? Your sins were forgiven me. Remember? And all the leaders, religious leaders said, oh, you can't. You can't say that. You can't say that. Totally ignored the fact that the man was healed, but you couldn't do this, or you couldn't do that, or you couldn't do it. Cause of the Sunday. There was always a reason it couldn't be done with God. When it comes to healing and his child, there's no reason he won't do it. Just get that under your. act as though the word is true, and it is, God Can't lie, men can't, but God can't lie. So just say the words that Jesus did say, the words that God said, you'll get the same results. Matthew eight 17 is a statement of fact. Jesus. Boy, I see our sins carried our diseases, and by his stripes we are healed. It's just that simple real Bible faith simply. About you. What the word says about you, spiritually, physically, mentally, financially, and socially. I am what the word says I am. I can do what the word says I can do. I can speak Jesus's words, God's word, and get the results that Jesus got and the result that God got. You're not healing anybody. Don't ever think that you're doing it. All you're doing is speaking the words of. Over a situation, over a sickness, over a cold, even over a death of a loved one. If it's God's will and God's plan and God's way of doing your faith can bring that person back to life. But it's not your faith actually doing it. It's the word of God doing it. We have power, but we don't have that kind of power. We're not a sovereign de deity. We are the body of. and if Jesus needs to go somewhere, it's up to us to get him over there. If Jesus needs to say something to someone to change their circumstances, it's up to us to let him use our mouth and not speak the words. Jesus has gone back. He's sent by the right hand of the Father, but he's sent his Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit will tell you what to say and will lead you into all truth. Start living in victory. start living in victory right now. Get into that word. Get that word in your heart so when something happens immediately outta your mouth, comes the word of God, because that will dictate the result. You have a blessed day. In Jesus' name, amen. This has been Chaplain Terry Warner. My podcasts come out every Monday morning. you can find them on the chaplains Thank you and God bless you in Jesus' name. Amen.